It was as if a volt shot up her spine, and she arched and came so deeply that it was he who moaned at the tight clutch of Merida as he filled her.

And never, not for a moment now, would he doubt their love.

He just had to find a way through to her.

Instead of lying spent in his arms, Merida had climbed from the bed and headed to the shower. Appalled at her own lack of restraint and how she had just shattered to his touch.

She vowed, outside the bedroom, never to let down her guard for a second.

But she’d be a liar if she promised to resist him.


THEYCAMETOGETHERat night. Like a guilty dark secret, behind closed doors, he had her over and over.

And Merida in turn had him.

By day she spent his money and played the part of a gold-digger well. But at night she was on her knees.

Tonight, though, was date night. For appearances’ sake.

Their last, because tomorrow Naomi arrived.

Merida stared at her reflection and blew out a breath.

They were going to the theatre, to see a top show that theyhadto go to. NotNight Forest, of course—she had put her foot down about that—but she was still nervous about going to the theatre.

It had hurt to give it up.

A lot.

Not that she showed it.

She wore a burnt orange dress that clashed magnificently with her hair, and on her slender legs wore high black boots.

As she headed down the stairs Merida wondered as to Ethan’s reaction.


Ethan turned to where Merida stood on the stairs and thought he had never seen her more beautiful than tonight. She made eight and a half months pregnant look sexy.

‘Wow!’ Ethan said.

Just that.

‘I sacked Howard,’ Merida told him.

‘Thank God.’

‘And I’ve bought an entire new wardrobe.’

‘Good for you.’

He did make her smile. And he knew that when he’d sent her to Howard he had, in his backhanded way, only been trying to help her adjust to a very lavish life.

Rather rarely, it wasn’t just bed that was on Ethan’s mind tonight. He wantedMerida. The real one who still eluded him. Oh, he knew that he’d hurt her badly, but he rather hoped he knew where he might find her...

‘There’s been a change,’ he told her. ‘We’re going to seeNight Forest.’