His jacket and shirt were off, his socks and shoes too. And she was very aware that she was naked beneath the sheet, so she moved the conversation to the practical.

‘I’ve told the OB to drop in on your father and let him know what we’re having.’

‘He might let it slip,’ Ethan pointed out. ‘He’s on quite a cocktail of drugs.’

‘Well, if he does let it slip it would hardly be the end of the world. I think it’s nice that he’s interested.’

‘I guess...’

‘I think I’ve found a nanny. I interviewed her this afternoon. She’s young, fun...’

Ethan turned and looked at her taut features. ‘You really don’t have to worry there. History won’t be repeating itself. I won’t do what my father did.’

She looked right back at him and made herself say it. ‘No, historywon’tbe repeating itself—because if you do hook up with the nanny then I won’t be like your mother and swan off to the Caribbean, leaving my baby behind with the two of you.You’llbe the one to leave. It says so in the contract.’

Ethan’s jaw gritted and he buried his face in his hands.

She watched the zip of muscles close down his back and had to clench her fists just to resist reaching out for him, but her words had clearly sunk in, for he looked around the bedroom and told her something.

‘I’m starting to remember things.’

‘What things?’

‘About my mother.’

‘Such as?’

‘I don’t want to talk about it now.’

He looked over to where she lay, rigid and stretched on her side.

‘I’m not going to cheat.’

‘You already did, Ethan.’

She stared up at the gorgeous ceiling and told him. ‘I saw pictures of you at that gala, with that woman, and in the time we were apart there were plenty more.’

‘I never slept with any of them.’


‘No,’ he said. ‘I don’t need to lie.’

He rolled towards her and his hand went to her bump, which had grown impressively in the three weeks he’d been gone.

‘It’s not twins, is it?’

‘God, no. Ethan, I’ve had two scans.’

‘I know, but that amulet I held...’

‘You’ve always told me you’re not superstitious.’

‘I’m not, usually,’ Ethan said, ‘but youdidget pregnant that night.’

Merida gave a low laugh. ‘Well, it’s not twins.’

They lay there and it was nice—the most parents-to-be-like they had ever been. It was innocent, even, just feeling little kicks in the quiet of the night.