‘It is a pleasure to meet you, Merida,’ said Khalid. ‘I believe I can take the credit for introducing the two of you?’

‘It’syourmother’s amulets on display at the gallery!’

‘Yes, I like to keep an eye on things and I asked Ethan to drop in. I trust his judgement. He said they were being looked after beautifully.’

Merida forced a smile. It stung that their meeting had been a set-up—that Ethan had been testing her on the night they had met.

When they had taken their seats, and everyone was chatting amongst themselves, she turned to Ethan. ‘You were testing me.’


‘On the night we met. Khalid said you came to check up on the amulets.’

‘Yes.’ He made no attempt to dress it up. ‘Khalid had heard that the gallery wasn’t doing the display justice. He’d sent in a couple of people to check it out discreetly, but before he pulled the display he wanted to know my thoughts.’

‘So you had no interest—?’

‘Merida,’ he cut in. ‘Do Ilooklike someone who’s interested in Egyptian dolls’ houses?’

It upset her—possibly more than it should. But the fact that their chance meeting had been anything but left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Ethan, though, was unperturbed. ‘It’s no big deal,’ he said, and got back to speaking with the guests.

It was to Merida.

There was small talk and chatter, and delectable food, but although she tried to fit in Merida felt like an outsider. The rings on her finger felt unfamiliar, and she could feel the scrutiny of Candice’s constant gaze.

She made it through the starter, and then the main courses came out.

‘It was sensational,’ Jobe was saying. ‘What a night!’

It took her a moment to realise they were talking aboutNight Forestand the night she had almost had.

‘Merida...’ Jobe turned to her. ‘Ethan said thatyou’vedone some acting?’

He was trying to draw her in but had inadvertently frozen her out, because it hit Merida then that these people didn’t know her at all. And there was no real point in them doing so when three hundred and sixty-four days from now she would no longer be a part of this family.

So, when her face felt as if it might freeze from smiling, she decided that an interval was called for.

‘Excuse me...’

She found the restrooms, but on her way back, instead of going to the table, she turned and headed out to the platform, and looked at the gorgeous view.

She could see the Statue of Liberty, all lit up. The wind whipped her hair and she felt like crying. And then she nearly did cry, because for the first time ever she felt her baby move.

The little flutter inside wasn’t a kick, but it felt like a bird stretching its wings. And it was the only reason that she and Ethan were temporarily together.

Oh, where was a tissue when you needed one?

‘Getting some air?’

It was Jobe, and she quickly wiped her face with her hands and then turned and forced a smile as he came over.

‘I just said to Ethan, Where’s your bride? Is it over already?’

She knew in that moment that Jobe was aware it was all a farce. No doubt he had had to approve the contract.

It dawned on her then thateveryoneat her wedding probably knew. They were the inner circle. The very select few.