Those lusty sounds of a newborn’s cries terrified Merida.

She had no money, no job, and no real idea what to do when she got back to England.

She couldn’t land on her friend. Naomi went from job to job, house-sitting or staying at bed and breakfasts in between.

And she thought of herself arriving unannounced at either of her parents’ homes but just couldn’t picture it.

So she looked up prices for airport hotels and was suddenly angry.

Angry at Ethan Devereux, who had walked away from her without so much as a backward glance.

Furious at a man who lived such a slutty life that his PA played gatekeeper to his calls.

And as she packed her case on the day she was leaving her temper bubbled over and she tried to call again.

‘Tell him,’ Merida said when she heard the well-worn line that Ethan Devereux didn’t take unscheduled calls, ‘that Miss Cartwright is leaving for London tonight and that what comes next ishisdoing.’

‘Now, listen. Don’t start threatening—’

‘No,’ Merida said. ‘Youlisten. If he won’t take my call, then he can deal with my lawyer.’

Big words indeed when she could barely afford a cab, but her words were borne of anger, fear and frustration, and the doctrines of her upbringing.

She had tried to speak with him face to face. Tried to sort it out with him like two rational adults.

Well, they could do it from opposite sides of the Atlantic now.

It washisfault!

And then Merida burst into tears, because she had never wanted it to come to that. She wanted to call Helene and retract her words, but it was too late.

And it was far too late for them.

Merida looked at the time and saw that she had to leave.

Instead of the yoga pants and baggy T-shirt that she had pulled on in preparation for the flight, Merida couldn’t help but think about the gorgeous black velvet dress sheshouldbe wearing tonight.

In the life she was leaving behind she would be about to make her way to the theatre, where flowers would be starting to arrive for the cast.

Merida had dreamt of this day for most of her life, but instead she was hauling her suitcase down the dingy stairwell and going into the restaurant to hand in her keys.

‘Ah, Merida!’ Maria gave her a hug and told her she would miss her.‘Mi mancherai!’

‘I’ll miss you too,’ Merida said.

And she would.

Not just Maria but the whole city, which had truly won her heart.

She hailed a cab and once inside looked out of the window to the city that had been home for more than a year.

The home where she’dalmostmade it.

In a cruel twist, as if to remind her of all she was missing out on, the driver took her through the theatre district. And, rather than close her eyes, as perhaps she should, Merida looked out at the theatre. It was still a while until curtain up, but there were crowds starting to gather, all there to capture the star-studded opening night.

And, yes, flowers were starting to arrive.

It killed her not to be a part of it, Merida thought. It truly did. She would never have a chance like this again.