Merida gave the doctor the date.

In fact, she could have given him the very hour.

‘That puts you at fourteen weeks,’ the doctor said. ‘You’re into the second trimester...’

The doctor no doubt assumed from her tears that this wasn’t a planned pregnancy. ‘Have you thought about what you want to do? Because time really is getting on—’

‘I’m keeping the baby,’ Merida cut in. ‘But aside from that I have no idea what I’m going to do.’

Not a single one.

She left the doctor with a due date of December fourteenth and forms for blood tests and an ultrasound. Back home, she broke her rule about telling no one the father’s name and called her friend.

‘His name’s Ethan Devereux,’ she told Naomi. ‘He’s from a big New York family...’

Merida started to explain.

‘I’ve heard of the Devereux family,’ Naomi cut in. ‘Oh, my God, Merida, you need to come home and sort things out from this end.’

‘I know that. I’ve booked a flight.’


‘Friday night,’ Merida said.

She would be leaving on opening night—and that wasn’t by coincidence. Merida could not bear to be in New York City on the night the show opened and not be a part of it.

‘I have to tell him, though.’

‘I guess...’ Naomi said.

Merida thought she didn’t sound particularly convinced.

‘But can’t it wait till you’re back in England and at a safe distance?’

‘Safe distance? Naomi, I don’t know if I’ve given you the wrong impression, but Ethan was a perfect gentleman with me.’


Merida swore she heard the tear of the wrapper as Naomi tipped salt into the wound. The more she looked back on it, the less it felt like a one-night stand. It truly felt to Merida as if they’d been on a date.

More, it had been the best date of her life.

But if that were the case why hadn’t she seen him since?

‘You’d be better doing this from home. Merida, I deal with these types of people all the time.’

‘“These types of people”?’ Merida checked. ‘You’ve never even met him.’

‘I work for people who employ maternity nannies,’ Naomi pointed out. ‘I work for the supremely rich. And, believe me...’ She paused.

‘Go on,’ Merida invited.

‘They speak through their lawyers.’

Merida could hear a baby crying in the background and Naomi spoke again.

‘I have to go.’