With opening night nearing, rehearsals had moved to twelve hours a day. There was a full costume and make-up photo-shoot for the programme, and things were starting to really come together.

Merida’s costume was stunning, consisting of a black velvet dress the colour of atropa berries. Her eyes were rimmed with kohl and her lips painted a deep purple. Her hair wasn’t hidden beneath a wig, though. It was curled and backcombed and fell in snaky ringlets.

After the photos had been taken she sat at the mirror, smothering on the cold cream to get the heavy make-up off, and smiled as Sabine came in.

‘You look amazing,’ Merida said, admiring her shimmering costume.

‘I know—I don’t want to take it off.’ Sabine sighed as she undressed. ‘Hey, do you want to grab something to eat?’

They ended up in the noisy restaurant below Merida’s flat. The pasta was amazing, and it was nice to think she didn’t have far to drag herself home afterwards.

‘Shall we get a bottle?’ Sabine asked, but Merida declined.

‘I’ll just stick to water. I’ll sleep in otherwise.’

Sabine ordered a large glass of red, and as they twirled well-earned carbs around their forks Sabine asked another question. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘Of course.’’

‘Are you sure about that?’ Sabine asked, and Merida looked up.

She could see the concern on her face.

‘Talk to me, Merida.’

Yes, the acting world could be bitchy, but it was cliquey too, and they had worked closely together for weeks.

‘I can’t.’

‘Yes, you can. How lateareyou?’

‘How do you know?’

‘Because we share a dressing room and I’ve heard you throwing up. Though that’s stopped now.’

Merida nodded.

‘I figured you’d had it taken care of. Merida, I’m not the only one to have noticed.’

Merida closed her eyes. If word got back to Anton she was sunk.

‘Is the father in the picture?’

‘It was just...’ Merida gave a tight shrug. Certainly she would not be revealing his name to anyone, but when the words came they stuck in her throat. ‘A one-night thing.’

One night that still had her heart in turmoil—one morning that she relived over and over in her mind, trying to see where it had so suddenly gone wrong.

It had felt likesomuch more than a one-night stand.

And it was.

The consequences were huge.

‘I don’t know what to do,’ Merida admitted.

‘That’s why I suggested we get supper.’

Sabine went into her huge bag and pulled out a card. ‘I saw him last year—he’s really good. Not cheap, but you get what you pay for. He’ll fit you in.’