She glanced over and saw his serious expression.

‘Honestly, don’t worry,’ Merida said. ‘I’m covered.’

‘Good.’ He watched as she ran a wide comb through her hair. ‘I was thinking...’

‘I amnotcoming back to bed.’ Merida smiled. ‘And please, please,pleasedon’t try and tempt me. I’ve a terrible feeling that I’m open to persuasion, but I really do need this job.’

She took a breath. The butterflies in her stomach were having a field-day—because not only did she have pre-audition nerves, she had an extra flock of the beautiful, nervous little creatures entirely devoted tohim.

Having eaten breakfast, she sat on the bed and pulled from her bag her tights and bra and proceeded to put them on.

‘What?’ she said again, because he was still looking at her, and she could feel he still had a question on his mind.

Ethan did—and that was unheard of the morning after. Usually he was aching for a lover to leave, not considering prolonging things.

‘I could come with you. Not to the audition... But I could hang around and we could go for brunch after.’

His offer was utterly unexpected.

Like a delicious jolt to her spine.

She had been bracing herself to remain dignified at their parting.

Merida pulled on her jumper, and when she’d tugged it over her head she looked out of the window to a foggy New York City morning and knew she would never forget that moment.


It wasn’t an ending.

At least not here, and not yet.

No goodbye, no holding in tears, would take place here.

She could look at the skyline and at this stunning hotel and remember for ever an utterly perfect night, because it did not end here.

‘Yes,’ Merida said in a voice that sounded a touch calmer than she felt. ‘That sounds wonderful. I have to stop by my apartment first, for my papers and things, and to get ready.’

‘Then we’d better get over to yours.’ He reached for the phone. ‘I’ll call my driver.’

‘Ethan, I’m not rocking up to my audition in a chauffeured car.’


‘Because I’m not,’ Merida stated, and pulled on a kilt made up of shades of summer. ‘We’ll walk.’

She looked, Ethan thought, completely stunning. Her hair, along with the bright colours of the kilt, was a delicious burst of colour on a busy morning.

They chatted as they walked quickly, headed for Hell’s Kitchen, where Merida had a tiny place above a loud Italian café.

‘Do you have lines to rehearse?’

‘No.’ Merida smiled.

‘Have you been to many auditions since you’ve got here?’

‘I only recently got my Equity card, but I’ve been for more auditions than I can count.’

They arrived at the Italian café, which this morning was relatively quiet.