‘Never lie like that again,’ he warned her.

And sated, pliant, a virgin no more, Merida nodded. For in the gentle afterglow she truly believed she never would.



MERIDANEVERWANTEDto lift her head. It lay on Ethan’s chest and his hand was idly stroking her arm.

There was an absence of awkwardness.

Neither pretended to be asleep, and she lay there thinking of their night.

It had been amazing.

For both of them.

The oddest thing for Ethan was that it still was.

It seemed incongruous to think that his father was right now being wheeled down to the operating theatre.

Because of that, he turned on his phone.

When it immediately rang, Ethan answered it. ‘Hey.’

‘Did you manage to visit the gallery?’

It was Khalid.

‘I did.’


‘You have nothing to worry about,’ Ethan said. ‘Can I call you back later?’

‘Of course.’

He lay there, thinking about all that had taken place, and winced inside when he thought of how he’d very nearly taken her standing, never for a moment thinking that it might be her first time.

‘Any regrets?’ Ethan asked.

‘None,’ Merida said, and then she amended that. ‘Well, there is one.’

‘What’s that?’ He frowned. ‘Did I—?’ He had been about to ask if he’d hurt her, but she smiled and interrupted him to tell him the only regret she had.

‘I have to go soon.’

‘Ah, yes—your audition.’

She untangled herself from his arms as a worrying thought struck. ‘I left my bag and my coat in the restaurant! Ialwayswear my kilt for my auditions. It will be bad luck otherwise...’

‘I’ll have it sent up.’ He interrupted her momentary panic and picked up the bedside phone.

She lay there as he ordered breakfast too. ‘I don’t have time for breakfast,’ she said.

‘You can take it with you. I’ll have them bring up some takeout containers.’

‘Thank you.’