How, she wondered, did his seamless world work?

Had he booked a suite prior to their arrival?

She didn’t know. And, as his thumb pressed into the palm of her hand, she didn’t much care.

The other couple got out, and Merida noted that the woman turned and stole another glance at Ethan. She heard them speaking as the doors slid closed.

‘I’m sure that was Abe Dev—’

Ethan didn’t comment. No doubt he was used to being recognised, or mistaken for his brother, wherever he went. And although they might have the wrong brother, for Merida he wasright.

So very,veryright.

Merida did not know what floor they were on.

And she did not know where the corridor they’d stepped into led.

They just walked along plush cream carpets until he swiped a lock, and Merida knew that her long-awaited dreams lay behind this door.

The suite was beyond her imaginings.

It was elegantly furnished, with soaring ceilings, and though the heavy silk drapes were closed on the New York skyline the view was still spectacular—for it was ofhim.

Merida cared little for her surroundings.

Ethan Devereux had mesmerised her from the very moment he had appeared in her life. It seemed impossible that it had been just hours ago they had met, and that as recently as this afternoon she hadn’t even known of his existence.

He took off his jacket and tossed it onto a chair.

Through a large half-open door she could see a vast four-poster bed, draped in cream silk with the sheets turned back. Merida felt a combination of excitement and terror as she wondered at his reaction if he found out this was her first time.

She decided that he must not.

Ethan poured two drinks from a heavy brandy decanter. He brought one over to her and Merida took a sip, willing her nerves to calm. The cognac was warm, and it burnt a little as it went down.

Though she didn’t suffer with stage fright, she felt as if she had it tonight. Not that she showed it. For when she felt Ethan staring she gave him a sensual smile that beckoned, and he walked over and took her face in his hands.

His touch was warm, and his kiss this time was thorough, and when his tongue slipped inside her mouth he tasted of the cognac she had just sipped, and of sin, and of all that had been missing until now.

His hands roamed her body, feeling first the smoothness of her back and then making a more intimate perusal of her spine, from the naked tip at the nape of her neck down to the base, where his mere touch had her hips melding into him.

His hand moved between them and stroked the underside of her breast, and then his thumb grazed her nipple. She moaned into his mouth, because the contact was heady bliss and yet not enough.

His other hand worked the knot of her halter-neck dress. He paused their kiss so that he could peel the fabric down until, save the pearls, she was naked from the waist up.

His eyes lingered on her breasts, and in response to his gaze they peaked. And then his warm fingers met the naked flesh. He toyed with them both and she began to shake—an involuntary tremble as nerves and anticipation combined to make her unsteady.

She shoulddosomething, Merida thought, going back to her trick of pretending to be someone she was not.

So she reached for his tie, unknotting it as he played with her breasts, seductively gazing at his mouth as she slid the tie off.

Her fingers grew impatient as she dealt with the buttons on his shirt, but as she parted the fabric her reward was there. There was a dark smattering of hair over a wide chest, and flat nipples the deep red of his mouth. She pushed his shirt down over his shoulders and let the palms of her hands explore his torso.

He was toned and magnificent. She could feel the muscle and sinew and imagined being wrapped tightly in his arms. Then her hands slid down and her fingers toyed with the snake of black hair on his flat stomach.

She could see the thick bulge beneath, and she could feel him too. She was nervous and trying not to show it as she imagined that long, thick length inside her.

‘Take it out,’ he commanded roughly.