Except she didn’t want it to end now.

He had pulled her in a fraction closer, and his hand had moved up enough that his palm grazed the naked skin of her upper back. Then the pads of his fingers dusted the notches of her spine and she closed her eyes at the sensual bliss and wondered how it would go from here.

Would he kiss her again and suggest they get a room? Or would her drive her home and expect an invitation to come in?

She had no idea how this worked.

He was so sophisticated, so utterly at ease with all this, and from her response to his touch no doubt he thought the same of her.

Did shehaveto tell him she was a virgin? Merida pondered. She’d acted the part of a lover on stage—could she take that into real life?

She knew now. Merida knew why she was still a virgin—for no one had made her feel like he did. Quite simply, he made the rest look like rank amateurs.

‘Merida,’ he said, in a low growly voice, and she lifted her face to hear what he had to say. ‘Come to bed.’

He could see the heat spread on her cheeks and the rapid blink shuttering her glittering eyes, but he did not retract or soften his invite. Ethan wanted her very much. He had chosen to walk here from the hospital for the chance of seeing her again.

For this.


He saw the slight conflict in her eyes and felt the sudden tension in her, and then she spoke again.

‘I haven’t done this before.’

She reallywasdifficult to read, for he’d misread her now.

Not for a second had he considered that the sensual dancer in his arms, who had kissed him back so sexily and deeply on the street, was a virgin.

But Ethan was more than used to this kind of guilty declaration before a one-night stand—the insistence that this wasn’t usually the case before a woman came tumbling into his bed.

So he went along with it.

‘Who knew we’d both get so carried away?’ he said.

He kissed her then—right there on the dance floor.

Not a kiss to her mouth, but he lowered his head and dropped a slow kiss on her bare shoulder, and the heat from his mouth made her stomach fold over on itself.

And then he came back to her face, his mouth by her ear, and his words and the breath with which they were delivered caused her neck to arch.

‘Come to bed, Merida.’



HISHANDWAStight around hers as they stepped into an elevator and Merida glimpsed herself in the mirrored walls. But it was Ethan’s reflection that she cared to see, and apart from the dark shadow on his jaw he looked so polished and poised that he might be on his way to meeting, rather than taking her to bed.

Shewas the giveaway.

Her eyes were huge in her face, Merida saw, and it was only the grip of his hand that tethered her to his side, because she simply wanted to wrap herself around him.

Of course here was not the place.

Another couple came in and Ethan stepped back a little to make space for them, prompting Merida to do the same.

Her mind was on things other than normal social niceties.