There was silence.

‘Next,’ Ilyas said again. He could feel his father’s rage coming across the table and there was slight panic in Mahmoud’s voice as he attempted to move things along swiftly and divert King Ahmed’s response.

‘The new oncology wing is nearing completion,’ Mahmoud said. ‘I am working on Hazin’s speech—’

‘Shouldn’t it be Princess Petra’s family who delivers it?’ Ilyas interrupted.

‘Hazin is her family,’ King Ahmed said, and his voice was pure ice, for he was just getting over his shock at his son’s high-handed attempt to take control of the meeting. At first he had been too stunned to respond to it, but now he asserted his dominance. ‘If he wants to remain a prince, he shall deliver the speech.’

‘But your younger son is clearly struggling,’ Ilyas said.

The older one was not.

Ilyas had thought this day might be years off yet, but his time with Maggie had brought that day forward.

And that day was now!

‘Right now, I don’t have a younger son.’ King Ahmed spat out his words. ‘Hazin disgusts me. He is barely holding onto his title. If he wants to be a member of the royal family, he needs to act accordingly.’

‘Our title is wrong,’ Ilyas corrected. ‘We are royal but not a family.’

‘Next,’ King Ahmed said, since it was he who wanted this meeting to be over and done with now. ‘The meeting is adjourned.’

‘No, it’s not,’ Ilyas said, and as everyone went to stand and get out, Ilyas gestured for them all to be reseated. ‘Mahmoud,’ he said. ‘Please take careful notes.’

A hush fell around the room and Ilyas looked directly at his father. ‘I am leaving this afternoon for London,’ he said. ‘There I shall speak with my brother and try to gauge the best way to deal with the anniversary of Princess Petra’s death. Who knows, I might even ask for his input.’ And then he recalled his conversations with Maggie and added, ‘That’s sarcasm, by the way.’

It was a pure threat to King Ahmed’s leadership, it was an absolute refusal to back down, and the king knew it. He flung back his chair and stood.

‘Then let me remind you who is king.’

Ilyas ignored his father’s outburst and remained seated. In fact, he calmly examined his nails as if bored by his father’s drama.

And then he put down his hand and Ilyas made his move.

‘There is to be a transition of power.’

There was an audible gasp from those present, though Ilyas spoke on as if he were discussing the traffic issue in front of the palace. ‘It will be a gentle transition, but I shall take on more responsibility, and all future decisions are to be approved by me.’

‘Get out!’ his father shouted. ‘Now, before I call the guards.’

‘If you insist,’ Ilyas said, and he stood, ‘but we both know that one day I shall be king and when I am—’

King Ahmed did not let him speak. ‘I shall have you arrested. You can’t be king locked in a tower.’

‘Then who will be?’ Ilyas asked. ‘You have stripped the tree of its fruit. Hazin won’t do it and I have no heir, so that leaves your brother and his fat, idle offspring.’ Ilyas knew that his father hated his brother; there was no love for anyone in his parents’ black hearts. ‘So stand there withered and bare, you foolish old man, and watch me take it to the people. This is no idle threat,’ he warned his father. ‘I have taken one piece of your advice and I have always looked forward. My brother, God willing, will serve by my side, and certainly this country shall move forward and heal from the many mistakes you have made.’

‘Get out!’ his father screeched, but, Ilyas noted, King Ahmed did not call for guards, for he knew, as Ilyas had pointed out, there was no option other than him moving forward.

‘Gladly,’ Ilyas agreed. ‘As I said, I am going to London to speak with my brother.’

‘Then tell Hazin from me that from this day forward if he chooses to live a reckless life then it shall be without his deep, royal pocket. There shall be no security, no royal jet, no chauffeur—no one to catch him as he falls from grace.’

‘I shall be there for him,’ Ilyas said. ‘And,’ he added, ‘I hope to return with my future bride. You won’t approve of her, but I don’t need your approval.’ He gave his father a black smile. ‘Know that from this day forward it is you who needs my approval.’

It was done.

There was no going back and Ilyas nodded to the guards as he made his way out.