‘Your Highness...’ Mahmoud had to run to catch up with him. ‘You cannot threaten a coup and then leave the country.’
‘No coup.’ Ilyas shook his head. ‘There is no need for that yet. As I said to my father, it will be a gentle transition. Perhaps you and the elders might delicately suggest to him the same. Failing that, thereshallbe a coup. I shan’t ask if I have you onside. I do not ask you to disrespect our king—yet.’
He gave the old man his first ever smile from a leader and walked away.
Ilyas knew that he had Mahmoud onside.
For, yes, he had planned this day for many years.
Decades in fact.
He was disciplined and had bided his time until he could properly see it through.
He had just never factored into his grand plans having a wife by his side.
And certainly not one called Maggie.