There was no discreet brush of the lips. Instead, he devoured.

His eyes were closed as he swept her to the most bittersweet bliss—for he kissed her so hard and so fiercely, with all the passion that her leaving denied them.

And it was not a kiss to which she could fail to respond.

He pulled her tight against him, and her hands went up around his neck as he tasted her again with his tongue.

It was a deep and sensual kiss, slow and measured, and he was the only one who could melt her like this.

Right now, Maggie thought, she would have to fight to muster a protest if he tipped her over his shoulder and carried her to his bed.

Yet halt they must, and they rested their foreheads together for a moment until it was time to part.

Stunned by his overt affection, she was guided to the open car door.

She must not look back, Maggie thought as the car door closed. Almost immediately, the vehicle started to move away.

But she did. She couldn’t help herself.

And there he was, standing tall and still and watching her leave.

He did not wave.

It was a unique agony. One she had never experienced before.

It felt like love, but if it was, then why the hell was she leaving? And why was he letting her go?

Because love wasn’t on his agenda.

It was a horrible pill to swallow.

The bitterest of them all.

Somehow, sometime soon, she would be able to relegate this weekend to a holiday romance, Maggie told herself.

She just couldn’t do that now.

But the holiday really was over.

As she was let out at Zayrinia Airport, Maggie knew she had to adjust to a world that wasn’t in tune with her broken heart, and so she smiled as she handed over her passport at the check-in desk and lifted her backpack onto the belt to be weighed.

‘It’s your lucky day,’ she was told.

It didn’t feel like it.

It didn’t even feel like it when she was handed a first-class ticket home, and instead of scrabbling for coins for coffee, sat in the first-class lounge, being served delicacies and champagne.

It was lovely, and she knew it was Ilyas who had arranged it.

Her mother’s loving gift that he had somehow made better.

But it wasn’t the champagne, or the golden pyjamas and flat bed that cocooned her heart as the plane carried her home.

There was another person in her life now.

Another finger on her hand—a person that Maggie could truly say she loved.