Page 60 of Something Borrowed

“Did you have something to do with this? Did you somehow convince her we shouldn’t be together? I know you’re less than thrilled about us.” Grady stood and slowly advanced on his brother’s position, anger a slow boil deep inside.

Matthew shrugged. “No, I’m not involved with that deal, but I told Brigid that I think you two are a terrible idea. She could hurt you worse than Mom ever did.”

Grady lunged for his brother, grabbing his shirt and hauling him up. Wyatt dropped his sandwich and jumped between them, trying to get Grady to loosen his hold. “How could you do that? You had no right to interfere. We were happy.”

“On the island.” Matthew pointed out. “But the island is not reality. For what it’s worth, I like Brigid. But if work is always going to come first, and you want a family, how will that work?”

Grady pushed his brother away, Matthew almost falling in the process, but Wyatt caught him. “I’m not hungry. I’ll be back soon. I need to clear my head.” He walked down the lawn to the beach, hoping the sea air would clear the cobwebs and doubts from his mind, and maybe, just maybe, heal his heart.


Brigid left the office soon after her discussion with Barracuda Betty, her words bringing up too much conflict for Brigid to concentrate. She tossed and turned all night, mind whirling around her life, her decisions, and her path. When she awoke on Friday, she was no closer to any answers and she felt more distanced from everyone in her life, more alone, and more isolated than ever before.

When she got in the office, she called Peterman’s assistant and asked for the next available time slot. When the time came, she wiped her hands on her skirt and knocked.

“Close the door, Ms. Anderson,” he said without looking up.

Brigid closed the door, her hand shaking slightly. She sat in one of the chairs, pressing her hands in her lap to quell her attack of nerves. “Thank you for seeing me this quickly.”

He looked up and put his pen down. “I assumed it was important. Is it about the Cournoyer deal? Your work on that had been very good. I’m impressed. Keep up the work like that and you’ll get that promotion.”

For once, his words didn’t make her feel all warm all over. Instead, it reminded her of the mechanical rabbit used to entice the greyhounds to race around the track. They always tried to catch it, but it was impossible. All it led to for them was euthanasia when their time was up, unless some rescue stepped in to save them. She didn’t want to be a greyhound on the racetrack of the law world.

“Thank you, sir. But that’s exactly what I’d like to discuss.”

He frowned. “You know I can’t discuss the promotion and your eligibility for it. I can only tell you that you’re in the running for it.”

And the mechanical rabbit continued on.

“I left my best friend’s wedding for this deal. I worked all week, even though I was on vacation.”

“That was your choice, Ms. Anderson. It will not have any bearing on the promotion.”

“No, I understand that. What I’m saying is that I don’t want to give up my whole life for work. My best friend needed me. And I walked away without a second thought because you called and said I had to get back here, as if my life doesn’t matter. But it does.” She stood, smoothing her skirt in front of her. “I’m giving you my notice. I’ll stay through today to get the last-minute paperwork done, but then I’m leaving for the island and the wedding. I will wrap everything up in the next couple of weeks.”

She turned to leave, but his voice stopped her. For a moment, she thought he might persuade her to stay.

His words dashed that hope. “I’m sorry to hear this, Ms. Anderson. You had a bright future. Too bad you didn’t have the dedication.”

She pivoted on her heel and studied him evenly. “I have the skill and dedication. I just want a life outside of the office. I deserve that.”

“Foolish. You’ll never be a partner with an attitude like that.” He shook his head, his patronizing attitude and condescension irritating her, but not making her want to work harder like it had in the past.

“Maybe not here. Maybe nowhere else. But I’ll be happy.”

She swept out of the office, her heart feeling lighter than it had in months.

* * *

People dropped by her office periodically throughout the day, her decision spreading like wildfire through the office. The last person to stop in was Terrence, who never once had stopped by her office except to gloat over something, which meant he never stopped by. Until today.

He strolled in and dropped into one of her chairs, far more casually than he would have any other time. “So, I hear you quit.”

She barely spared him a glance, finishing up her portion of the work for the deal, but couldn’t resist one last dig. “Don’t worry. I’ll get my work done. And probably half of yours, too.”

He scowled but quickly smoothed his expression in case anyone stopped by. “You’re stupid, you know. You had a real shot at that promotion. Peterman liked you more than me.”

Brigid paused, arching a look at him. “Really? Could have fooled me.”