Page 46 of Something Borrowed

Finally, in a voice almost too low for anyone to hear, she said, “No.”

Just one simple word. No elaboration or explanation. Just no.

He wanted to roar in triumph and hug her and drag her out of there. Instead, he settled for a brief gentle hug, a kiss on the top of her head, and simple words. “Thank you.”

He stepped away from her, despite his body screaming at him to pull her close. He walked to his spot by Matthew and sat. Brigid stood silent for a moment or two longer, lost in her own thoughts, unaware that she was alone. When she looked up, her expression almost destroyed him.

She looked lost.


Brigid slowly settled back in her seat, mind still whirling from the implications of her admission. Honestly, she had no idea that was her answer, but now that she had admitted it, she felt relieved. Yet another emotion she hadn’t expected.

Damn, she hated games.

She sipped her wine and stared into the flames, playing the game with only half her attention. Fortunately, only a couple of rounds remained, and it ended with only a minimum of bloodshed. She escaped soon after to her bedroom and waited for Grady, lights off. She had already removed the sheets and pillow from the couch, leaving him no option but to come up to the room. Caroline had played the willing conspirator and informed him that his stuff had been moved upstairs.

Brigid had always been good at planning.

She had to wait a long time. Her eyes were drooping and her head nodding when he finally slipped in the door, closing it quietly behind him. She watched him silently, feigning sleep, as he undressed and headed for his pallet on the floor.

“Shit. Brigid?” He hissed.

She flicked on the light and sat up in bed. “Yes?” She settled back against the pillows with her hands folded in front of her.

He eyed her suspiciously. “What’s going on? Where’s my bed?”

“I decided this is foolishness. We’ve slept together for years, and you can’t keep sleeping on a hard floor or a too-small couch. Nothing has to happen if you don’t want it. Just get in bed and sleep.”

She tried to keep the tremble from her voice but, judging by the assessment in his eyes, she didn’t succeed. She flipped back the sheets and tapped the bed. “I’ll even turn over to preserve your modesty.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

He stepped away from the door and shadows, clad in worn denim jeans and a cotton t-shirt, his eyes firmly fixed on her. She’d been trying to regain their old status quo for the past several days but, somehow, their equilibrium had been shattered, and she didn’t think they could recover it ever again, especially after his question that evening.

Struggling in vain, she asked the only question she’d wanted to know. “Why did you ask me that question tonight?”

He paused next to the bed. “Do you really want to talk about a game or something else?”

“You’re the one who’s been shying away.” She sounded grumpy, but damn, she had been stressed and needing him, not that she’d ever admit that to him, or to anyone else.

He smiled at that moment, a predatory smile, and she was the prey. Their relationship had done some sort of switch, role reversal, where she was no longer in control. Oddly, she found it wildly attractive and seductive at the same time.

She grew wet at the thought of an in-control Grady, even as she panicked at the idea of being out of control. Yet, for once, she didn’t feel terrified at placing her trust in him. She realized she had done so already and knew deep in her heart that he would never let her down.

It was the soul-deep trust of another person, for perhaps the first time in her life, that scared the living daylights out of her.

“Brigid?” He asked, hands fisted at his sides.

She rose on her knees, letting the sheet slip off her shoulders and pool around her. She curled her fingers around his arms and drew him closer until her other hand could reach around his neck and pull his head down to her lips for a kiss. She brushed her mouth against his, lightly, teasingly, a tiny nip against his lower lip, inviting him to play. He tugged his head up and his gaze met hers, a question in his.

“Brigid, what game are you playing?” His voice was deep and husky, sending shivers down her spine.

“No games, Grady. Not tonight.” She settled back on her heels, teeth tugging at her lower lip, suddenly unsure. Had she completely screwed this up?

“I’m not up for a bout of stress relief. I told you my terms. All or nothing, Brigid. You’re in or you’re out. I’m done with whatever the fuck we were doing.” Grady’s voice was harsh, almost angry, and his jaw tightened in the moonlight, the muscles jumping in his cheek as he glared at her.

She shivered again, the edge of anger more of a turn on than she ever expected. Maybe she should have tried sexy lingerie. Seduction just wasn’t the same with boy shorts and a tank top. Although it had always worked before. She paused as she considered his demands. Was she ready to try this? Could she really try for a relationship?