Page 23 of Something Borrowed

Brigid groaned, and Caroline paled. Anna just couldn’t let shit go, her emotions always driving her and getting her into trouble. Brigid laid a hand on Caroline’s arm and stood, ready to intervene if necessary, but this was a battle that Delaney had to fight on her own. Better to get it over with now, rather than festering like a sore all week, ruining the wedding. How much backbone did Delaney have?

Delaney stepped right up in Anna’s business, her height giving her a few inches on the other woman, but Anna never backed down from a fight.

Delaney cocked her head and studied Anna in mock seriousness. “I thought you would have left Bianca St. John behind for this weekend. Or maybe you and Bianca are the same. Isn’t she the bitch? Or was that you?”

Brigid silently cheered. Go, Delaney. Show her what you’re made of.

But never count Anna out. She fought dirty. “Excuse me? You come gliding in here like the big society princess you always were, taking over, telling us all what to do, expecting everyone to bow and scrape to you. Well, I have news for you, ice queen. You were knocked off that pedestal a long time ago. I was there. Then you were gone. Left us peons in the dust like yesterday’s pastry.”

Okay, this had gone on long enough. Nothing was being resolved, and feelings were only going to get hurt over and over. Brigid strode between the two women and held up both hands as if directing traffic. “Stop it, both of you. This is not about your anger or your past. This is about our friends getting married and starting a new life together. They don’t need this tension to ruin their day. So, take your corners and stay out of each other’s way. I don’t care what you do, as long as you shut up.”

A stunned silence fell over the patio. Only the dull roar from the waves and the chirping of bugs broke the silence. For a long moment, no one said anything. Then Anna laughed, a deep throaty, sexy sound that she had perfected so many years ago and was now a trademark sound for her character, Bianca St. John.

“Of course, counselor. I can see why you’re a lawyer, Brigid. No problem with confrontation and a blunt mediation style. I’d hate to be on the witness stand facing you.” Anna stood and held out her hand to Delaney. “I’m willing to bury the hatchet if you are.”

“Where are you burying it?” Delaney muttered but, at the sharp look from Brigid, subsided and took Anna’s hand. “Fine. For Caroline.”

“For Caroline.” Anna agreed, then pulled her close for an awkward hug.

Words were exchanged but Brigid couldn’t hear the details. As long as the women stopped sniping, she didn’t care.

* * *

Dinner had been a tense affair, filled with inane conversation and lots of dead air. Brigid wasn’t allowed to go back to the office and, honestly, she didn’t really want to. While had been tense, it was still nice to have some downtime, not worrying about work and deadlines, maybe relax a little. She totally understood why people liked their vacations. Needing some space, she took a walk on the lawn, intending to head for the beach and the sand, but lethargy overtook her at the edge of the lawn, right before the dunes leading to the water. A couple of Adirondack chairs and a table had been placed there, and she pulled her hoodie around her and snuggled into the chair.

The night was cool, the sea breeze chasing away the heat from the day. Brigid closed her eyes and listened to the waves rolling in gently and soothing rhythmically. Her muscles loosened, and a languor settled on her, quieting her mind for the first time in a long time. She could get used to this.

The chair next to her creaked as someone settled in it. Brigid cracked in eyelid and saw Delaney hesitantly perching on the edge of the chair. She smothered a laugh at Delaney’s efforts to sit elegantly in an Adirondack chair. Some things never really changed.

“Needed to get away, too?” She whispered, but Delaney still jumped at the voice.

Brigid gestured to the chair. “Please, sit. You’re the one person who probably understands best how I feel right now.”

Delaney eased back in the chair and sipped a glass of wine. Brigid reached out for her glass and took a sip, wetting her lips and throat more than really wanting the wine. They sat there quietly, the stars slowly coming out as the darkness fell.

“Isn’t this a bitch? This wedding? This whole week?” Brigid spoke into the night. “Not that Caroline and Matthew getting married sucks. But this whole reunion week, like we’re one big happy family who just drifted apart?”

“Yeah, well, I guess family is one way of putting it. The most dysfunctional, sorry group of people ever.”

Brigid laughed and struggled to a more upright position, leaning toward Delaney. “I’m sorry about Anna. I should have stuck up for you.”

Delaney shrugged. “She’s like a bully on the schoolyard. She’ll push and push until you push back. It’s her edge.”

“She’s a bitch,” Brigid flatly replied.

Delaney pursed her lips, but had nothing to say.

The moments dragged on, then Brigid sighed. “She’s not a bitch. She was always jealous of you. Hell, she still is, judging by her nasty attitude earlier.” Brigid’s voice was small and quiet. Where had they all gone wrong?

“She never used to be this edgy, this mean. What happened?”

“We all changed.” Brigid struggled to the edge of the chair, needing Delaney to understand what she was saying. “Delaney, you would have never walked away like you did tonight. I was hoping you’d put her in her place like always. And, at the bridal shower, you just stood there when she spilled the punch on your beautiful cream dress. What happened to you?”

“You said it. We all changed.”

“So, why did you do it? Why did you walk away from everyone?”

There it was, the million-dollar question everyone wanted to know. Each of them had their own opinions about what happened. Caroline’s was the nicest, of course, saying Delaney needed space. Anna just said Delaney was a bitch and didn’t give a damn about any of them. And Brigid, what did she think? She was pissed. Maybe it was the first time she had admitted it. Not that she had foreseen Delaney to remain a bosom friend. No, it was the wake of destruction strewn behind her that Brigid was left to manage. Caroline missing her oldest friend. Ethan in shock and looking to Brigid and Caroline for answers. And so many changes in their lives.