Page 36 of Something Borrowed

“Absolutely. But try it. You might even like it.”

“Hardly.” She sighed. “Fine. Do it quickly, before I change my mind.”

He hustled her over to the ticket booth and before she could even speak, he was settling a harness around himself and the attendant was guiding her on the art of belaying. They had initially questioned her belaying him, concerned about her obvious nervousness, but he firmly expressed his confidence and she seemed to take courage from his words and tone, nodding in agreement.

Before he started up, he tucked a finger under her chin. “Ready, sweetheart?”

“Don’t call me sweetheart. Just focus, so I don’t need to help you.”

He grinned and planted a quick kiss on her lips, turning to face the wall before she could argue.

He had picked the simple route because it would be quicker for her and still let her see a good path up the wall. He scrambled up the wall, taking his time and shouting down pointers so she could understand what to do.

After the fourth time he called down, she called back, “Stop yapping and just climb the freaking wall, okay?”

He grinned at her irritation and finished the climb, ringing the bell and smiling for the camera. He twisted around and looked down. “Now comes the fun part. Getting down. Ready?”

“For what?”

The attendant next to her murmured something in her ear and, even from the height, he could see her eyes widen.

“Oh, hell no!”

“Can’t hear you!” He gently sat back in the harness and slowly kicked off the wall. The rope loosened, at first a bit jerkily then steadily as the attendant guided Brigid expertly, until the ground was beneath his feet. He was unbuckling himself when she slapped him on the shoulder.

“Nice warning. I could have dropped you.”

He shrugged. “I trusted you.”

Her forehead wrinkled, and confusion reflected in her gaze. “Why?”

“Because I knew you would never let me fall.” He dropped the harness and began to work on her harness. “Let’s get you suited up.”

* * *

Grady and the attendant buckled the straps, and Brigid knew she should be focused on the safety harness that was all that stood between her and certain death, but the wall looked so big from here. And Grady wanted her to climb it, all the way to the top, with just a small rope for support. Yeah, that was so happening. Not.

Grady gave one last tug on the leg straps and looked up at her from his kneeling position. “Ready?”

“I changed my mind.” Even to her own ears she sounded like a weak-minded, fickle woman, just the kind of woman she hated. But, damn, that wall was high.

He rocked back on his heels, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “So, you’re going to let them all win, including Caroline, who was probably laughing her ass off back at the house? Come on, we’re halfway there. You saw how safe it was when you were belaying me. I’m bigger and stronger than you are. I’ll catch you. Promise.” He stood and his voice lowered. “Don’t you want to overcome this fear and show everyone how strong you are? Trust me, Brigid. I’ll be there for you.”

She stared into his eyes, facing the truth. She trusted him. He was probably the only person she would ever trust to do something like this or anything really. He’d always been there for her before, in all the ways that counted.

She looked down and tugged on the harness. “You talk too much. Are we doing this or what?”

He grinned and hugged her. She pulled away. “Let’s get this over with.”

He turned her to the wall. “Now you climb this like a jungle gym, or vertical stairs. Take this path here. It’s a straightforward path, shorter distances between holds. When you get to the top, ring that bell and smile for the camera.”

“If I get to the top,” she muttered.

He gripped her chin and turned her to look into his eyes. “I don’t want to hear that kind of negativity. On your first try, you aced the bar. You were in the top five of your law school class. You did that because you focused and wanted it. Get your ass up that wall so we can enjoy the rest of our evening.”

He palmed her ass and shoved her gently toward the wall. “Climb.”

“I feel like that freaking hobbit in that movie. Climbing the stairs above an army of orcs.” She grumbled under her breath as she stepped up to the plastic wall.