Page 29 of Something Borrowed

Matthew was already shaking his head, a frown clear. “I have work to do. I don’t have time for this.”

Brigid slid the legal pad across the table. “If I can’t work, you can’t either. It’s your wedding week too, Matt. No excuses.”

Caroline scowled as she scanned the list. Brigid grinned at the obvious discomfort Caroline was exhibiting. She was never very good at these challenges, being too nice to be competitive. This was a little payback for the events of the week. “We’re not letting you off the hook.”

Ethan arched an eyebrow at Matt. “Do you really want to lose?”

“If it means giving one of you that damn butt-ugly lamp, hell, yes.” But Matthew’s words were belied by the competitive set of his jaw. He didn’t become a lawyer to get along with the world.

“Fine. We’ll meet back here at ten with our booty.”

Brigid shoved the chair out behind her. A freaking game. Not exactly what she had in mind for the evening. She pulled out her phone, but before she could do anything, Caroline whisked it out of her hands.

“Not for you. You guys use Grady’s phone. I can’t risk you working when you’re supposed to be playing.”

Brigid lunged for the phone, but Grady grabbed her around the waist and hauled her against him. “Come on, darling. My old flip phone can take pictures, too.”

She whirled, horrified. “You have a flip phone? Oh Jesus. We’re doomed.”

He grinned and half-carried her out of the room, like a deflated balloon. They had no chance of winning now. They were doomed.

* * *

Grady strode outside and headed for his truck, Brigid scurrying after him. He patted his pockets for the keys, then cursed softly. Brigid leaned against the front of the truck, her arms folded in front of her, a small smile playing about her lips. He stopped and looked at her.

“What?” His tone was irritable, no thanks to wasting a night on a game.

“No cars. One of the rules of the game. Your truck is out.”

He considered the truck. “Not exactly. I would think you of all people, with your legal background, could find a loophole in the instructions.”

Brigid pushed off of the truck. “No vehicles. What other options exist? At least it’s not far to the bus stop.”

He grinned. “I’m not taking a bus. I’m taking my truck.” He pulled his keys out of his back pocket and opened the driver’s door.

She followed him around the cab of the truck and leaned on the door. “But the rules?”

“I’m not much for rules and I like loopholes.” He paused. “This is a truck, not a car. Hence, exempt from the rules.”

She took a step back, reluctant admiration in her eyes, a grin crossing her face. “I would have never thought about it like that.”

He tweaked her nose and winked. “You’re going to have to think a lot dirtier if you want to win. Get in.”

She darted around the truck and slid in the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt with moments to spare before he peeled out of the driveway, making sure no one could stop them and clarify the loophole. Maybe the night wouldn’t be a total loss. He and Brigid were together, working together on this scavenger hunt list. Maybe he could show her a different side, convince her they could be a good partnership outside the bedroom, although his pride was tweaked when she protested being paired with him. He decided to get that discussion out of the way before moving forward.

“Sorry I’m not the partner you wanted.” He spoke in the silence and held his breath as he waited for her reply.

She sighed, a soft sound he almost didn’t hear. “It’s not you, Grady. I just wanted to keep them off our backs.”

“You mean about our relationship?” He shrugged. “They already know.”

“We don’t have a relationship. It’s over. I thought it would be easier if we kept Caroline from her matchmaking ways.”

“It doesn’t have to be over. It looks like we’re going to be thrown together all week, judging by our sleeping arrangements and our assignment today. Looks like you’re stuck with me.”

She finally turned and faced him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Grady, I don’t see it that way. I just thought it might be less awkward if we stayed friends.”

“We should have thought of that four years ago.”