Page 38 of Something New

Wyatt turned. “I’ll have you know I’m pretty talented with my hands. Why ruin them with hammers?”

She rolled her eyes and walked away. Wyatt hopped off the stepladder and came after her. He grabbed her arm gently and stopped her. She turned, eyebrow arched.

“Anna, I’m sorry about last night. I was out of line.”

She narrowed her eyes, suspicious of his suddenly amenable mood. “Really? Why?”

He shrugged. “I had time to think, and I had no right to demand you answer my question. I want to know, but only if you want to tell me. It’s up to you.”

She nodded slowly, still not trusting his good mood. “Okay. Thanks.”

He smiled. “By the way, I got us the last hotel room for tonight. You said we had to clear out, right? Lots of people looking to stay at the hotel, but I got us a room.”

Damn, she had completely forgotten in the rush of everything. She had gotten the basket of goodies for Caroline and Matthew, including wine, cheese, crackers, and other finger foods so they could have a nice romantic evening. But she had forgotten her own plans. “What about the others?”

“Delaney and Ethan headed to the mainland. Grady is staying at the cottage. He asked if we could get Brigid a room at the hotel.”

Anna grinned. “I think the hotel is all filled up, isn’t it? She should really stay with Grady.”

Wyatt looked puzzled. “We might find her a room but, yeah, I think they’re full.” Then understanding dawned, and he smiled. “I guess Caroline is not the only matchmaker this week.”

She shrugged. “I haven’t spent as much time with Brigid this week, but I think she needs something other than work. As a matter of fact, I’m going to find her. I’ll see you inside. Remember, we’re going to help Karen today before heading to the hotel.”

The smile he gave her held a wicked promise, and she had a sneaking suspicion she had just played into his hands. Only she didn’t know what those plans were.

* * *

Anna headed inside to pack a bag and then find Brigid. She had a few things to say to the other woman and hoped she could help. She wasn’t sure about this new altruistic streak. Back in California, she rarely put herself out for her coworkers or her supposed friends, probably because she knew they weren’t really true friends or people she could trust. She held herself back from them. But these women were her friends, and they needed her.

She heard Brigid moving around in the office and slouched against the doorjamb, arms folded in front of her. Time for her and Brigid to talk.

Brigid looked surprised to see her. “What are you guys up to today? I can’t seem to find anyone.”

Anna scowled at her. “I promised the community theater that I’d help today with the youth program. Wyatt offered to help with the sets or whatever they need. Besides, if I hang around here, Caroline will find some stupid crafty thing to do for the wedding.”

Brigid shook her head. “Maybe I’ll hunt Delaney down and see if she wants to do anything.”

“You’re not working, Saint Brigid?” Anna arched her brow, pushing her buttons.

“At least I have a job. And no, I’m done for the week.”

Anna pushed off the wall and got in the taller woman’s face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Brigid narrowed her gaze. “I read the papers. I know your job is in jeopardy. That’s why you’ve been such a bitch all week. You’re scared and worried. I get that.”

“Well, judging by your response last night, you’re not exactly thrilled with your own job.”

Brigid flushed and looked away. “I don’t know how I feel about that, not yet.”

“Fair enough. But I think you and I have similar issues. We both have tense job situations and are at a crossroads in a lot of areas. We were never close, but if you need me, I’ll be here. I might be a mess, but you can count on me. And I’m sorry for not being there for you before.”

Brigid grinned. “Thanks, Anna. We are a lot alike in certain ways.”

“Exactly.” Anna hugged her. “We’re all scattering for the night, to give Caroline and Matthew one night alone without all of us stressing them out. We grabbed them a gift basket of stuff for tonight. Delaney and Ethan headed to the mainland, picking up some stuff for Caroline. They said that they would stay there overnight. I’ll head to the hotel where Wyatt and I have reserved a room. They’re going fast because of the storm, so you’d better call them soon.”

Anna crossed her fingers behind her back. She was lying to Brigid, knowing the chances of her finding a room were pretty slim. Now, how would she convince Brigid to stay with Grady? Would it be enough for Brigid to have no where else to go or would Brigid give in to what she really wanted, what they all knew?

Brigid grimaced. “Fine, can you guys drop me off in town? I can grab a bus from there to the hotel.”