Page 17 of Something New

He called out to Ethan, who waved him over.

Ethan glanced at the clothes and bag. "You're getting an early start."

Wyatt shrugged, hearing the question in Ethan’s voice and not willing to talk about his own past and present colliding as Anna Costado. "I needed a break."

“We just got here. If you’re feeling that way already, it’s going to be a long week.” Ethan paused for a moment, casting Wyatt a sideways glance. “So, how’s coaching going? You liking it?”

Wyatt scowled at the kid-glove tone. “If you have something to say, Ethan, just spit it out. We’ve been friends long enough.”

“I thought I did. I asked how you enjoyed coaching. Wondered if you were still putting out feelers to the NFL or any of the other leagues?” Ethan asked mildly.

Wyatt laughed. “You sound as if you should be the lawyer, not Matthew. It’s hard coaching and trying to play professionally. You can’t go to tryouts because you have your own team to prepare.”

“Some leagues are off season to our seasons. It’s an option.” Ethan waited patiently, not saying what Wyatt suspected he was thinking.

“The only league that doesn’t directly interfere is arena football, and it’s probably too fast-paced for my knee to handle. I’d have to play multiple positions at once, not just quarterback.”

“So, the dream is dead?”

Wyatt scowled. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, avoiding Ethan’s too knowing stare. “What is it with everyone and that goddamned word? No, it’s not dead, just changed.”

Ethan’s face broke out into a broad grin, and he clapped Wyatt on the back. “Glad to hear it, man. I was worried about you for a while, wondering if you were still pining for the pros. No one could blame you, but you are an excellent coach. I’ve seen you with those kids, and your colleagues think highly of you. You’re getting a lot of recognition around the college leagues. In no time, you could be an offensive coordinator or head coach at college or even back in the NFL.” Ethan leaned forward, mimicking Wyatt’s posture. “I’m glad you’ve found a new path and are happy. Maybe this is how it was supposed to go?”

Wyatt turned and looked at Ethan. “Was it? Was this all supposed to go this way? You and Delaney, me and Anna? I mean, I could have used the lesson another way. Are you saying you’re happy now, glad about the way things turned out?”

Ethan heaved out a deep sigh and studied a sailboat going out from the cove. “I don’t know. I’d like to say it was for the best, and maybe it is, but it sucked. But I am happy with my life, with one notable exception.”

“Delaney,” Wyatt stated.

Ethan straightened on the bench. “How’s UT look this season? Thank goodness we have a bye week right now.”

Wyatt grinned, accepting the change in conversation gratefully. "No kidding. Matthew and Caroline really helped having the wedding on a week without a game. Otherwise, there’d be no way I could come down. Team looks solid. We have a solid sophomore for quarterback to replace our senior starter. Pretty excited about this kid."

Ethan sat back down and stretched his legs out. Wyatt settled next to him on the bench, pulling out an egg sandwich from the bag. They sat there chatting about football and players while Wyatt ate. Finally, he crumpled the bag and tossed it at the garbage bin, missing completely.

"Nice job, ace. You still have the arm."

Wyatt scowled, but got up and scooped the bag into the receptacle. "Whatever. Too bad my knee is shot." He sat back down and took a deep breath, vowing to get back to the original topic. "So, you and Delaney, huh?"

Ethan growled deep in his throat. "There is no me and Delaney."

"Didn't look like that to me, or anyone else, last night or even ten minutes ago. Looked like you were thinking of starting up again. Are you sure that's wise?"

Ethan had been there when Wyatt blew out his knee both times. Bullied him into finding a new path and, he suspected, had a hand in finding him a position at UT, thanks to Ethan’s family’s influence and donations. It had been a rough time for Ethan, dealing with the fallout from his broken engagement and Delaney’s father’s Ponzi scheme. He had just left Houston to hide out at the vineyard, although it was not an exile per se. Wyatt spent a lot of time there after his surgery, and he and Ethan had grown closer in those early days at the vineyard, as they both needed to find new pathways in their lives. Both shattered by women and the complications from the relationships. He owed Ethan and felt duty-bound to give a warning, although, in his heart, Delaney was the one for Ethan and would always be that one. Just like Anna was most likely Wyatt's one. Dammit.

Ethan sighed. "I don't know. A lot of time has passed. We've both changed, grown. Maybe things will be different."

"Look, I like Delaney. Always have. But she ripped your heart out and stomped on it until it was a bloody mess. I was there. I saw you after. Are you so sure she won't do that again?"

"I don't know. I only know that I'm still attracted to her. I still want her."

"She's like a wounded bird right now, and you love riding to the rescue. Be sure you're really ready for the consequences. She could bail on you again, or you could both be hurt if you're not in the same place." Wyatt stood and stretched.

Ethan also stood. "I can handle it."

"Maybe. But can she?" With that last statement, Wyatt headed off for the village to scout the town out before heading back to the house. And, yes, he was leaving before Ethan could turn the tables on him and ask about Anna.

* * *