“Duh, of course you’ll be my best man,” Luke said as if it was a given, and I grinned before pulling him into another hug.

After that, Scott and Luke were passed around the group until everyone had hugged and congratulated them. Once everyone was seated, Luke smiled around the table. “Thank you so much, all of you, for doing this. You can’t imagine how much this means to me.”

“We’re your family, sweetie. Of course we wanted to share your big day with you.” Mama D’s voice was soft, and I wondered just how many kids she’d made a part of her family over the years. I only knew the people who’d been in and around Voice Out in the past three years, and I knew for a fact Mama D had helped hundreds in just that time. We were all so fucking lucky to have her.

The conversation flowed easily, and so did the food, and before we knew it, we were finishing our deserts and getting ready to leave.

Luke and Scott sat on the other side from us, their heads bent together as they discussed something. The love they felt for each other seemed to ooze out of them, and I couldn’t stop my eyes from drifting toward Charlie.

My eyes widened when I realized they were already watching me, and I smiled up at them, warmth fluttering in my chest at their replying smile. The smile lit up their whole face, making them look even more gorgeous than they already were. I was surprised at how deeply I felt for this person I’d met just a few short months ago. I’d never felt so strongly about anyone. It wasn’t love, exactly…but I believed it could easily become love if I continued down this path. Surprisingly, the idea didn’t scare me much.

Once the desserts were gone, everyone started drifting toward the bar while Scott and Luke thanked everyone for the surprise and excused themselves, since neither of them were drinkers. Mike and Rochelle left too, considering they had a little girl to get home to, while the rest of us sneaked off in pairs, and Angie drifted off toward the dance floor.

I turned to Charlie, a smile on my face as I extended my hand. “How about we get a drink?”

Charlie took my hand even as they said, “Just a beer. I’ll be driving. Can I get you something?”

“A gin and tonic, please.”

“Sure thing,” Charlie said as they pressed a kiss to the back of my hand before making their way to the bar.

I leaned against a pillar as I waited for them, and my eyes narrowed as I watched a big, leather-daddy kinda guy slink closer to Charlie and say something in their ear.

Charlie shook their head, but the man continued talking, leaning closer to them as he did and placing his hand on their arm to keep them from leaving.

I was moving before I made a conscious decision to do so. I squeezed myself between the two—thankful for my small size for the first time in my life—and knocked off the man’s hand from where he still had a hold on them.

“Back off, mate. They’re not available.”

The man must’ve seen something in my eyes because he raised his hands up in surrender before walking away.

Charlie looked at me with a raised brow, and I shrugged as I took my drink from their hand, itching to drag Charlie onto the dance floor and make that lithe body of theirs move. I also wanted to show everyone that they were mine, but I didn’t need to tell them that.

Charlie leaned closer to me so I had to crane my neck to look up at them. They pressed their cheek against mine, their warm breath tickling my ear and making me shiver. I clutched their shirt with my free hand to keep them from moving and tilted my neck further. Their warm chuckle washed over me as they spoke, their low voice barely audible in the din of the club. “I didn’t peg you for the jealous type.”

I sank my fingers into their hair and pulled, turning my head so we were nose to nose as I gave them a wicked grin. “I’m not jealous, babe. I’m possessive. Jealous are all these assholes who want you but can’t have you. Possessive is me protecting what’s mine.” I watched their eyes darken with want, and I held their gaze as I leaned forward and pulled their lower lip between my teeth, biting into the soft, plush skin. I watched as their pupils expanded until their baby blues had all but disappeared under the heat of their dark gaze. I loved pushing their buttons, loved watching them unravel. For me.

I pulled back after another tug on that gorgeous lip of theirs before grabbing their hand. “Come on, let’s dance.”

The look on their face as they realized they were in for a night of torture made me grin at them wickedly as a shiver of excitement raced through me. Oh, this was going to be so much fun.

I pulled them into the throng of sweaty, twisting bodies that thrummed with energy as they moved and pressed myself against them as soon as I found an open spot big enough for the two of us.

I gripped their hip tightly with one hand as the other sank into their hair again, holding onto their neck so I could pull them into a kiss whenever I wanted. I loved how pliant Charlie was with me. Because of my size and my all-around twinkness, every partner in my past had wanted to be the one on top, the one leading everything even though I’d had no inclination toward bottoming whatsoever. It was why my relationships had never lasted and why being with Charlie was so refreshing and so good.

With Charlie, it was as if they wanted to give up the control, wanted me to lead them, to take them wherever I wanted to. And I loved that. I couldn’t get over how perfectly we fit together, how much I wanted to press Charlie against a wall and kiss them senseless right this moment. It was a heady feeling, one that I never wanted to end.

We swayed to the beat of the music, and I took every opportunity to rub against them. Little touches that would keep the fire burning until we got home.

They seemed to catch on quick, though, because soon their hands were slipping under the back of my shirt, fingers running up and down my back as they locked eyes with me. They licked their lips as they watched me, and I couldn’t stop myself from pulling them closer and fusing our lips together. The kiss was like throwing coals over the already-blazing fire of my want for them, and I molded my body to theirs as my tongue tangled with theirs. The faint taste of beer lingered in their mouth, and I licked into it, beer somehow made absolutely addicting with the taste of them mixed in. My grip on their hair tightened, and I pulled them closer still, not wanting to leave a lick of space between us. Not wanting to ever let go of them.

But when my lungs started burning from lack of oxygen, I pulled away, maintaining my grip on their neck as I rested my forehead against their chin. We stayed like that for a few moments as we caught our breaths, and slowly, the sounds around us drifted back into my lust-fogged brain. The music. The heat. The sweaty bodies all around us.

“Let’s get out of here, shall we?” I asked, finally letting go of Charlie’s neck so they could straighten up. They were nodding before I finished my question, and I grabbed their hand as I made my way out of the crowded dance floor.

I didn’t stop walking until we’d reached our car, and then I was pressing them against it, my hands roving over their body as I pulled them close enough to claim their lips. The kiss was hard and fast, a prequel to what was to come, though I knew I wouldn’t be taking Charlie hard and fast tonight. Not this time. Their first time would be sweet and gentle and everything they deserved. We’d taken things slow up until now, and no matter what I said, it had been for the both of us. But I was ready now, and I could see it in their eyes that so was Charlie.

“Come on,” I gasped as I pulled away. “Home. I need you.”