“I like the séance idea,” Evie abruptly decided. “I bet Granny knows where the files are.”

Roark snorted. He’d known being told what not to do would do the trick. Jax really had to lighten up.

Evie happily continued. “While fake ghosties are breaking up the board meeting, let’s call on the real ones. Is there some way to invite all our other suspects like Lucy and Savanna? Roark, did your voodoo granny teach you how to create auras?”

Well, he’d walked right into that one.

* * *

Stepping out of her shower,Ariel heard the tap-tap of metal on stone. What was Roark up to now?

Last night had been unnerving, to say the least. Enervating... maybe, just a little. Her insides had tied in knots when he’d leaned over her shoulder, but then, she grew accustomed to him there. And when he’d left, the room seemed empty. Somehow, oddly, she felt connected to him.

She was pretty proud of the research she’d accomplished with his lessons and wished to hear his reaction. She’d thought he’d be digging deeply into his computer. Surely the fact that Sunshine was riddled with unsavory characters should be sufficient evidence to have people arrested?

Perhaps if she could hack that bitcoin exchange to see where the money went...

Tying her wet hair back in a ribbon, too eager to hear Roark’s thoughts to blow it dry, she hurried out to the kitchen to see what he’d prepared for her.

Roark was nowhere around. A bowl of unpeeled peaches waited on the table.

Frowning, she stepped onto the back porch to determine what he was repairing.

A stranger sat in her yard, digging with a hand ax at what appeared to be stones near the azaleas. A shiny grill rested near him. She almost had a panic attack.Had someone come to claim her home?

She took several deep breaths as she’d been taught and considered it logically. Jax had said the cottage belonged to Loretta’s estate, and he was paying rent for it. Jax was the estate executor and wouldn’t allow a stranger to steal her home.

She should start paying the rent herself.

The stranger finally looked up. “There you are. I’m Dante. You must be my cousin Ariel.”

Ah, now she remembered him from Pris’s video. She’d even looked him up when Pris got so angry with him. “You should tell Jax who you really are.”

He seemed startled. “What do you mean? I assure you, I am a distant cousin. My passport has my name. As you can see, I’m an archeologist comfortable digging in stone.” He gestured at a flagstone patio emerging from the dirt and weeds.

“Only because Signor Rossi, Conte Armeno, lacks the funds to restore his villa and his project didn’t receive the grant needed to continue. Where is Roark?” Ignoring the stranger’s surprise, she waited for the answer she needed.

“They’re setting up a sting at the retirement home. Roark asked me to keep you company. There is some concern that someone might be after him?” If he was relieved that she’d changed the subject, he didn’t show it.

“A sting?”

“They’re trying to catch a thief? Or a murderer? Is Roark a policeman?”

Ariel liked that he kept his distance and appeared as confused as she was. “No. Roark does not seem to like authorities.”

Politeness required more, she supposed. She summoned the best she could without preparation. “I need to work now. You are welcome to help yourself to the kitchen.”

She returned inside, ate her peach, drank her tea, and checked her game cameras. Only then did she think to check her phone.

brilliant work, babe. c email,read Roark’s text.

With reluctance, she carried her tea to her desk and opened her email on a larger screen.

He thoughtfully kept his message succinct.Evie setting trap. Links to Sunshine cameras enclosed. If you see trouble, call 911, give them the address, say murder, and hang up. Use burner app to call.

Ariel blinked and read the message again.

Murder? He was anticipating murder? And thought the police might stop it?