He’d need the cash. Without a salary, his savings would soon be gone, and there was still Ariel to provide for. He was hoping the executor’s fees for Loretta’s trust would cover his sister’s rent and expenses. The Jag cash and his savings were all he had to live on for now.

Heaving his briefcase into the back of the Subaru, he called up images on his phone and suffered a twist of sorrow. Loretta and Evie had bought phones and tortured him with messages. There was Loretta laughing as she biked down Evie’s driveway. Loretta could never catch Evie sitting still, so she was a cheerful blur of bouncing curls and outrageous costumes against the backdrop of her house and the shop. There was an image of the two of them, along with his team, having a picnic in Ariel’s front yard, taken by Ariel from her windows. He had hopes his sister was in good hands.

There had been a brief moment in time when he’d thought maybe he could unwind, escape the rat race, enjoy having friends and a loving family... but he, of all people, knew the futility of dreams.

Just before he climbed into the driver’s seat, another message popped up, this one with an image of Evie standing between Reuben and Roark, in front of a sign reading SENSIBLE SOLUTIONS AGENCY.

The message was followed up with a link to the Charleston newspaper with an article on how the agency had solved the murder of the Posts and uncovered scandal in the mayor’s office.

His heart twisted along with his gut. He closed the phone without replying.

Until he knew who he was, he couldn’t look back. He could only look forward. He’d already determined his destination. He plugged Los Angeles into his phone’s GPS and started the engine.

* * *