Page 102 of Daughter of a Killer

“So… why are you here at the hospital?” I ask.

Immediately, like a switch has gone off, Corey shuts down. His eyes are wild and violent, and his nostrils flare. He’s livid for some reason, leaving me to wonder what it is that he’s hiding.

Without another word, he storms off, leaving me to watch him go.

I never did thank him, did I? And now he won’t want me to bring this up because I went ahead and ruined it. It had been a fun enough experience with him for once, and of course, it all had to turn sour.

Corey can be decent when he’s alone. Tyler… depends on his mood. I still don’t know why he wanted the job. He shouldn’t need it, not as badly as I do, but obviously, he does. Shane I haven’t been around quite as much, but during class today, he hadn’t been an ass at all. His flirting had been rather… well, not romantic. It had been raunchy, but it had been a refreshing change that I appreciated.

Brett. Fucking Brett. I can’t stand him, and yet he intrigues me. In a lot of ways, I think Brett and I are similar. His father might not be the president of Savage Reapers, but there’s something about being a motorcycle club brat that has us both dealing with issues with authority. Maybe we’re too alike, and that’s why we’re butting heads.

Doesn’t mean I should have to put up with his bullshit, and I won’t. No one is going to mess with me. No one.