I’m leavingmy last class of the day when my phone vibrates.

“Mom? Is everything all right?”

“Yes, darling.”

I lift my eyebrows. She's still in that strange, overly happy mood, which, I guess, is a good thing.

“What’s going on?” I ask cautiously.

“You act as if I need a reason to call.”

“That’s normally the reason for picking up the phone and dialing someone’s number.”

“Oh, Katie, you’re such a kidder!”

I glance around at the crowd of fellow students and break off, heading down a sidewalk path that most students don’t use for whatever reason.

“Mom, are you drunk?”

“Goodness no!”

“Are you high?” I ask.

I don’t think she would be the kind to do drugs, but she’s been off in Europe by herself for so long, and maybe it’s too much for her. Maybe it’s gotten to her, and she can’t handle it anymore. Honestly, I wouldn’t blame her. I know she’s not alone anymore because she has Declan with her, but that’s not the same.

“Are you?” she returns with a laugh. “How could you ask me that?”

“Are you all right?” I ask gingerly.

“Why are you acting like I’m acting different than normal?”

“Maybe because you are.”

“How so?”

“You sound…”

“Happy?” she offers.

“Yes,” I say, and I wince, hating that it’s the truth, that she sounds off because she’s happy.

“Well, that’s because I am happy.”

“Why is that? Have you found a great place to live and a great job and you never want to leave there? That you have amazing friends who will defend you with their dying breath?”

“Oh, Katie! You’re ridiculous!”

“So no to the great place?”

“Well, the place I’m staying at is such a cute little villa! I thought about taking pics and sending them to you, but I don’t know.”

“You can send them. I’ll just look and then delete them.”

“Delete them?”

“Well, I just think that’s safer, and you were debating taking them to begin with…”