“That doesn’t matter.”

“Do you care about me?”

I tilt my head to the side. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Nothing,” he mutters, and he turns away.

“I would like for us to be friends,” I tell him.

“Friends with all of us and boyfriend of…” He looks at me again, and I know that he knows about Ace and Gabe.

I also am getting to know Zac more and more. He’s not going to be willing to do anything with me, not if there’s a chance I still hold a candle for Rob. I would have to be the one to make the first move.

I shrug. “Maybe I don’t need to have a boyfriend right now. Just a friend. Friends.”

"Or boyfriends?" he asks, far bolder than I would've guessed from him.

“What kind of a girl do you think I am?” I demand.

“The kind who is driving every guy here in this place crazy.”

I snort. “Yeah, crazy with lust, nothing more. It’s all because we had sex in front of you guys.”

“You didn’t ask for us to go.”

“No.” I blow out a breath. “He’s asleep. You should go to bed too.”

“I’m going. I’m going, but, Katie?”


“Thank you.” He pats my hand and goes to stand.

I grab his hand and squeeze it. “You’re welcome.”

I want to kiss his cheek. No, I want to kiss him on the lips. I don’t know if he would want that, and that’s a can of worms that maybe shouldn’t be open.

I’m still holding his hand, and he’s not pulling away. I really need to stop. The last thing I need to do is to give the guys mixed signals.

So I let go of his hand and stand, watching as he heads into his room.

I can't say what compels me, but I return to Rob's room. He's snoring slightly, his mouth wide open. I try to shut it gently, but he just opens it again. Smiling, I bend over and give him a kiss on his forehead. He looks like the hottest angel alive, sleeping like that.

I turn to leave and almost step on his phone. I pick it up and go to put it on his nightstand, but once again, I'm struck by a compulsion. I unlock his phone. No, I'm not trying to hunt down that waitress's number. Instead, I locate Allie's number, commit it to memory, and place his phone on his nightstand before leaving the house.

Rob might be messed up from the breakup, but he’s not the only one, and yet, Ace, Gabe, and even Zac are all helping me. I’m not falling apart.

But I’m not one hundred percent either.