“If we’re here to dance, then let’s dance.”

He leads me out onto the dance floor, trying to find a spot where we can have a bit of room to dance.

And we dance. The music has a good beat, even if it’s not my normal listening tunes, and I find myself feeling a bit lighter and freer the more we dance. I wouldn’t exactly say I’m having fun, but when Ace suddenly takes my hand and spins me and then dips me? I laugh, and I realize maybe I’ll be okay.

Or maybe not. He pulls me back upright, and we're standing as close as can be.

“You know you want me,” he says in my ear, not whispering so he can be heard above the loud music.

“If I didn’t know any better,” I say, “I would think you’re trying to corrupt me.”

“Or are you going to corrupt me?” He winks.

“Corruption of a star,” I murmur.


“You can’t corrupt me.”

“And just what makes you so incorruptible?” he demands.

“I’m just that good.” I shrug.

We dance some more, and every so often, he’ll touch me. It’s not inappropriate, and I try to convince myself that I only feel hot because of the heat generated from dancing and the crush of bodies around us.

But I can’t lie to myself.

He’s pressuring me, bringing his lips ever so close to me and then drawing back, and it’s all I can do to keep turning away from him so our lips don’t touch again.

I am not ready to go there. Not yet. Not with him.

But maybe one day… when the pain of losing Rob doesn’t hurt so much…

Fuck that. Not being with Rob is going to always hurt. I can’t say I love Rob, not yet, but I know that’s where we were heading, and we talked about kids some, and I just feel like I lost the world with him.

But with Ace, there’s a whole new world to explore.

I’m so fucked up.

Ace takes my hand, turning me around, grinding against me, and when I try to turn around, his hand comes up from behind me to grab my throat, not squeezing but holding me there, keeping me in place.

Dominating me.

The weight of his hand on my throat makes me feel like his fingers are a collar, as if he’s trying to control me, and a part of me wants to obey.

I put my hand over his and then peel off his hand, our fingers intertwining, and I turn around, dancing right up against him, feeling his erection grow. That's right. I give it right back to him.

He might want to corrupt me, but I’ll corrupt him.

I’ll pressure him.

And I’ll dominate him.

His hands grab my ass, drawing me even closer to him, but I snake a hand between us to rub against myself through my clothes before turning my palm over and rubbing him through his pants.

Ace groans and brings his lips to my ear. “What are you doing to me?”

“Can’t handle it?”