“Fuck. I thought you had to be a teenager at least. Wow.”

“Yeah, he’s messed up. I don’t know how I managed to become as wholesome and pure as I am.”

I snort. “You probably sleep around as much as Rob does.”

“Nope. Not that much. He’s the legend on campus, not me.”

“Yeah, he might be a legend, but you’re a star.”

Ace’s smile is slow to spread, but once he’s fully smiling, it about blows me away. He looks so damn happy.

“Thank you,” he murmurs.

“It’s the truth. You shine because you don’t let your parents’ crap drag you down. You’re your own person, and I love that.”

“I’m sorry about you and Rob,” he says.

“Are you?” I ask softly, dropping my gaze to the table.

“Hey.” He reaches over and pats my hand. “I don’t want you to be hurting, but I have to say that I hurt some when you ghosted me. It’s not the same level of hurt—”

“Ace,” I groan. “Come on.”

“What? I know just what you need.”

“I do not need more chocolate or more food at all.”

“Not more food. We need to burn off these calories.”

“Burn off? I am not going to the gym at this hour.”

“So not what I have in mind.” He stands and gathers our trash on the tray. “You coming?”

Why does my mind always want to turn that phrase into something dirty?

“Maybe.” I can’t bring myself to smile.

Ace throws out the trash and hands back the tray, and we head outside to his bike. I’m not sure where we’re heading, but finally, we stop at a club.

“I really am not in the mood for dancing,” I protest.

"Are you in the mood to go back to your dorm room to spend the rest of the night brooding about Rob?"

“I don’t brood,” I protest.

"Prove it." He points to the door.


We head inside after showing the bouncer our IDs. I get to wear a lovely little paper wristband that lets everyone know I'm under twenty-one. Lucky me.

The nightclub has some wild energy. The music is loud, and so many people are dancing, although in regards to some of the couples, I don't think you can even remotely use that word to describe what their bodies are doing. It's hot from the crush of bodies, and there's a hint of body odor in the air that, for the most part, is covered by food.

“They’re known for their wings, but I’ve never had them. Who wants greasy wings if you’re going to be dancing?” Ace shrugs. “Do you want a drink?”

“I’m good for now.”
