“Right, and that’s why you aren’t looking at me.”

I meet his gaze. “I was just thinking…”

“What about?”

“Well, my mom’s in Europe somewhere.”

“Right. Do you want to visit her?”

I blow out a breath. “No. I can’t afford to.”

"Right. No luck on the job search, I take it?"

I shake my head. That’s the only thing not going in my favor.

“I refuse to give up, though,” I say firmly.

“That’s the spirit.”

“Yeah, but it’s terrible. I need money and now.”

“I don’t have any extra.”

“No, no. I’m not asking you for money. That’s not what this is about. I basically disowned my father, and my mom’s so far away… There’s no one for me to take you to meet back at home…”

Our waitress interrupts to give us our food. She doesn’t look at me at all and smiles at Rob the entire time.

Once she leaves, I blow out a breath and try my food. “It’s good. Yours?”

He tries his. “Not bad. You were saying?”

I hate that he sounds so apprehensive, and I almost pretend I forgot what I was talking about, but this could be huge for us.

“I was wondering if you might ever take me to meet your mom,” I say in a rush.

I smile at him, but Rob is scowling.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” he asks.

“No. I mean, I know that things between you two have been rocky, but I thought—”

“You weren’t thinking,” he spits out. “Fuck, Katie.”

I flinch. He’s not shouting, but it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have to. Other diners are looking our way.

“I’m sorry.”

The whisper comes out, and I blow out a breath, trying not to drown.

But if I were, I doubt Rob would toss me a lifesaver.