I don’t know how to tango.

Neither do I.

Is this some kind of ploy for you to get me to ask you if you want to go dancing with me?

Well, it doesn’t have to be dancing. We could just hang out. Probably not at my place. Lauren’s there.

Not my place. The guys are all over, and I mean all of them. Friends included.


But I know of this one dive bar that has great music, greasy food, and terrible karaoke.

Are you going to sing?

Not on your life.

Yeah, I didn’t think so. You’re too much of a coward.

Are you going to sing?

Honestly, I probably would if I had a few drinks in me.

The wine has already worn off. My father drank most of it before I took his glass, and he never refilled mine. I never asked. I’m not asking him for anything.

I’m dying to know what song you would sing.

His text has me grinning.Oh, I don’t think it’s worth dying over.

Are we doing this?

My heart skips a beat.Yes.