Ace doesn't taketo that too well. Or he took it personally, I should say, because he takes me into his arms, letting me leave on my dress, having sex with me a bit more traditionally, but I can hear at least one of the other guys has arrived at their place, so I have to be quiet, and that has never been easy for me. I've always been a screamer.

But Ace is right about one thing. Knowing you have to be quiet makes it even better, even if it’s not easy to be quiet.

After we both orgasm, I sit on Ace’s lap. “I still say I’m the one corrupting you,” I whisper.

“You are more than welcome to try to do that, so long as I can continue to prove to you otherwise.”

“Who am I to argue with that?”

He tickles me, and I do my best not to laugh, and I slap his hands away playfully and finally get dressed.

I sniff. “Your room smells like sex.”

“Well…” He points to the towel that he used to clean up the mess he made on himself.

"Do they often come into your room?"

"Not generally, no, but let's get out of here, so they don't hear us and try to come in, okay?"

“Sure thing, but only if you want them to see you in your full monty glory.”

“Good point.”

I cover my mouth as I giggle. “Did you really not realize you’re naked?”

He shrugs. "You saw the guys in the locker room, right? We're comfortable enough around each other that we'll walk around naked."

“Yeah, but that’s the locker room. You don’t here, do you?”

“Only once, when there wasn’t a towel in the bathroom.”

“Did anyone see?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he asks with a laugh.

I just shake my head and wait for him to get dressed before I finally open the door. We manage to get to the living room without anyone seeing us, so when Zac comes out, it’s easy enough to pretend that we just arrived.

Although what you do want to bet that not just his room smells like sex? That we do too? Probably.

“When did you two get here?” Zac asks.

“Can anyone really say that they’re here? At any place?” Ace asks, waving his hand.

“He’s trying to sound smarter than he is,” Zac tells me.

“Yeah. I don’t know. Maybe he’s had a few too many hits on the noggin.”

“Let’s not joke about concussions, guys,” Ace says.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s just… There was another retired NFL player who died early because of CTE. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. It’s no joke.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it,” I say, feeling contrite.

“I get it. Everyone jokes about it. It’s not just you,” Ace assures me. “I just wish that there was something more that can be done. The league is trying to help keep players safe, but it’s still happening. Players get concussions, and it’s not just in the pros either. It happens at the college and high school levels too.”