“Damn straight.”

“Go ahead then. Give it your best go.”

I wink and slowly strip out of my dress and leggings. It’s getting cooler at night, so I’ve started to wear leggings. I don’t prefer them, greatly preferring to let the guys have easier access to me, but it’s not as if I’m going to be fooling around with them in public. We’re always alone, so we can strip.

But the last time I was here, my father showed up…

“You did lock the front door, didn’t you?” I ask.

“I did.”

“Good,” I say, but I head over to his door and lock his bedroom door too.

He chuckles. "You really don't want anyone to walk in on us, but you aren't exactly quiet, babe."

“Sh.” I cross over to him and touch my finger to his lips. “No more talking. It’s time for the corruption to begin.”

“That right?”

“Oh, yeah, and you’re going to enjoy this.”

He rubs his hands together. “I’m excited to see you try, but I’ve done a lot, Katie.”

"It's not always about doing something new. Sometimes, it is just about the person you're with. Now…" I tap his mouth. "Hush."

He wiggles his eyebrows, grinning.

I tug on his hand to get him to stand up, and I slowly strip him, licking his body as I expose it. He sucks in a breath a few times, but since I figure those noises are involuntary, I let them go.

Considering we have a little less than an hour, I want to take my time. I guide him onto his bed on his stomach, and I start to massage his back, loosening him up and getting him to relax. I can literally feel his muscles loosen up and then lightly trace my nails down his back. He shivers beneath my touch.

I come up, leaning on him, and whisper in his ear, “Do you like that?”


“Hush. Nod only.”


“Do you want me to spank you?” I demand.


So I do. Not hard, but he still jumps.

“You said yes.”

“I didn’t think…” He shrugs.

I lick his neck before playfully biting him. “Try not to squirm.”

“You…” He shakes his head.

“Trust me. You’ll enjoy everything I’m going to do to you.”

He nods.

I giggle. “You’ll get your happy ending. Don’t worry.”