“Believe me, you will want to hear what I have to say.”

“No, actually, I don’t think I care,” I snap. “You have no right coming in here.”

“I came to see my daughter.”

“Your daughter has disowned you,’ I hiss.

Rob shifts slightly to stand just in front of me, as if he wants to protect me. “She said she doesn’t want to go with you, so I suggest you leave.”

"I suggest you keep your nose out of this, or else you'll be less a nose… as well as your entire head."

“Are you really threatening him?” I demand.

“Isn’t he the one who asked out a waitress in front of you?”

How the fuck does he know about that?

“At least he had the decency to break up with me first instead of cheating on me,” I ground out. “Only grade-A assholes cheat.”

“Look, if you don’t leave right now, I’m going to call the cops,” Rob cuts in.

My father just chuckles.

“I’m serious,” Rob says.

“Or else what?” my father asks dryly. “Don’t make a half-assed threat, boy.”

“If you want to go to blows, I’ll go there.”

“Son, I would take your balls and string you up by them. You’ll be dead in less than an hour.”

“You aren’t going to touch him!” I move around to stand in front of Rob.

“Is that so?” my father asks calmly.

“Damn straight it is,” I say firmly. “You’re going to turn around now and leave.”

“I don’t take orders from my daughter.”

"Then it's just as well that I disowned you, so you have no daughter."

My father eyes me. “If you think I take orders from anyone—”

“You used to. Remember Mr. Slade? And what happened to me?”

“I know exactly what happened, girlie, and I know my daughter. You are nothing at all like Erika. You don’t have the spine for it. I always thought Brandon had the stronger daughter, and I wasn’t wrong. She didn’t have the stomach for the family business. She’s soft, to some extent, on the inside, but you? You have no hardness about you whatsoever.”

“Look, dude, she doesn’t want you here, and neither do I. This is my place, and you aren’t welcome here.” Rob finally pulls up his boxers, and he flares his nostrils. “You have thirty seconds to leave.”

“Or else?” my father asks coolly.

Rob crosses over to his nightstand and removes a gun that he calmly points at my father. "Or else this."