I’mproud of myself when I head back to my dorm room. Gabe really helped me. This afternoon could’ve been nothing more than me wallowing in pity and trying to get through my homework and not being able to concentrate. Instead, I had a blast, and we didn’t cross any lines, although I do have to say that maybe I did emotionally, but for now, Gabe and I seem to be in a good place now.

Ace? I don’t know, and Rob… I alternate between wanting to call him and say fuck you and wanting to fuck him.

I have a ton of work to do now, and I get right to it, only taking a few breaks here or there to chat with Lauren a bit. We are making headways toward being friends, but we aren’t quite there. She hates Rob, so I’m not about to tell her about our breaking up because she’ll just act all good riddance, and I really don’t want to hear that right now.

I’ve just finished up my work and am feeling ready to hit the hay when my phone vibrates. Someone’s calling me.

Not my mom.

Not Erika or Kyle.


Is it his turn to check up on me or something?

I let it vibrate a few more times before I finally answer. “Zac, hi.”

“Katie, listen. Rob’s drunk off his ass. Maybe you should come over.”

“Right, because I’m not the last person Rob wants to see right now. I’m probably the reason why he’s drinking in the first place!”

“If you care for him at all, you would come.”

“That’s low, and you know it. I’m telling you. He doesn’t want to see me right now.”

“And I’m telling you that you’re wrong. He needs you.”

“He doesn’t need me. He’s strong and capable—”

“You don’t understand,” Zac says. It’s debatable whether he sounds more worried or frustrated. “He doesn’t do this.”

“He drinks.”

“Ne’s never gotten drunk before, and he’s seriously drunk. It’s like he wants alcohol poisoning.”

I bite my lower lip. “I really don’t think my presence will make things better for him,” I say.

“Why do you think that?”

“Hmm, maybe because he broke up with me?”

“And maybe that’s the reason why he’s drinking so much, but if you’re okay with him getting his stomach pumped, go ahead. Stay in your room.”

Zac hangs up.

I stare at my bed. I had been ready to go to the bathroom to get changed into my PJs, but now, I grab my jacket.

“Going out?” Lauren asks.

“Yeah. I don’t think I’ll be out long, but I’ll be quiet when I come back in case you’re in bed.”

“Have fun.”

“Thanks,” I murmur, even though I doubt that’ll be the case.

The walk to their house seems to take longer than ever before, and this time, I don’t bother to knock. I just walk in. I mean, Zac invited me over. I’m expected.