“We can go over the rules later.”

“Before or after you corrupt me?”

“Before. After. During. Whichever works. On that, I’m flexible.”

He winks and starts to walk away, but I grab his hand and draw him back. Not too close to being unprofessional, but I do lean in closer.

“Maybe we should have had a, um, safe word…”

“Some people use safe words, and that’s fine, but if I don’t want something, I’ll speak up and say so.”

"But the whole time, you were supposed to be quiet…"

“I would’ve said. I knew you wouldn’t hurt me. Well, it did hurt a little since that’s always been exit only before, but… you made it worth my while like I knew you were. No regrets. Seriously.”

“Good. I’m glad.” I blow out a breath. “Now go and sit with the others, star, before they start to worry that you’re hogging me all to yourself.”

“Before my mom became more fake and reshaped than Play-Doh, she did teach me how to share.” He winks at me, and he saunters over to the others.

I grin, watching them for a moment, and I quickly clear out two tables before I head on over to take their order.

“Hello. My name is Katie, and I sure hope y’all are having an oaken good day!”

They all laugh.

“You don’t really tell everyone that, do you?” Zac asks.

“Yes, unless I forget. Greg prefers it, and I made the mistake of joking to him that he should have T-shirts made, and I think he just might. I meant more for him to sell to customers, but he might update the uniform…” I shrug.

“Look at you,” Rob says with a pleased grin. “Already looking at ways to advertise.”

“I suppose so, but right now, I’m looking for your drink order.”

“I just need a glass,” Gabe says, “because I found myself a tall drink of water.”

“Dude,” Ace says, nudging Gabe in the chest. “Can’t you think of something original?”

“I don’t know,” Gabe says. “It is hot in here, and the temperature is only rising.”

I shake my head. “You guys are way too much.”

“Well,” Zac says, leaning forward, “the only reason why we came here is because we were told a hot waitress works here.”

“Cherise has today off,” I quip.

Rob flushes. “You, sugar. We’re here for you.”

“I know,” I murmur.

“Always,” Zac repeats.

I glance around at my section. It’s getting filled up, and I can’t just sit and flirt with them all night.

“If you all need more time to figure out what you want to drink or eat… and the answer is no, by the way. I can’t give you a discount.”

“We wouldn’t dream of asking for a discount,” Zac says.

“We want to pay full price,” Rob agrees.