As soon asGabe drops me off at my room, I settle in to get work done. I'm yawning a few times, and I catch my head bobbing. I might have to see how good a bs-er I can be. Maybe I should take some notes out of Gabe's book.

Lauren and her boyfriend, Matthew Gamble, are here. They’re talking to each other in hushed tones, and I bet they wish I weren’t here, not so they can have sex or fool around or even kiss. Just for some privacy. Not that I’m trying to eavesdrop. I don’t care what they’re talking about.

I shut my book and yawn loudly. It's only nine-thirty, but between working this weekend and having sex with Ace and then with Gabe, it's safe to say that I'm wiped.

Someone knocks on the door. My desk is right next to it, but I don’t bother to stand. I just call out, “Come in.”

The door opens, and Rob enters. “Hey. Can we talk?”


“Talk.” Lauren snorts. “Is that what you call it nowadays?”

“Lauren,” I say, “be nice.”

“You do know that he doesn’t ever stay with one girl, right? Everyone talks about it, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“All it takes is finding the right girl, and a man can change. Right… What’s your name?” Rob asks Lauren’s boyfriend.


“Nice to meet you.” Rob holds out his hand.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Lauren suggests. “They can ‘talk’ in peace.”

She gets up from her computer desk. Matthew had been sitting on the edge of my bed, down where my feet are when I sleep.

They leave the room, but only after Lauren whispers to me, “I don’t want him to hurt you.”

“I can take care of myself,” I murmur.

She glances over her shoulder and glowers at Rob, and I stand to close the door behind them.

“Is it just me, or was that a bit awkward?” Rob asks.

“Lauren doesn’t like you,” I admit. “I’m sorry. Hate to break it to you, but you aren’t every girl’s dream come true.”

“Yeah, I know that, but I think they went out of their way not to touch each other.”

“Yeah, that’s their thing. But… ah… finding the right girl can change a man? First off, shouldn’t it be finding the right woman? And secondly, let’s not pretend that I’ve changed you.”

“Don’t act like you haven’t,” he grumbles. “You ruined me, remember?”

“Ah, yes. Your cock only answers to me.” I roll my eyes.

“It sure answered to you that one day,” he says.

My stomach does a funny little flip. “Yes,” I murmur.

“Amazing, right?”

“Don’t get too full of yourself,” I warn.

“Do you remember what happened after?”

“You fell asleep.”