I shrug. “I feel great, actually. Lighter somehow. Freer.” I glance at Terrance.

“Does that mean it worked?”

Terrance nods once. “Aziel, Kat, Nick, and even little Sapphire all confirmed that there was no more darkness in you.”

I want to be thrilled by that promise, and I am, but I can’t help feeling a little wary. “What does that mean for me? Am I even still a siren?”

“You still feel like a siren,” Enzo says. When I meet his eyes, he blushes. It makes me smile. I wonder if he’ll ever stop feeling so shy around us. We’re his family now, after all.

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens the next time you use your power,” Wulf says.

Terrance meets my eyes with a steady gaze. “You could try it now. Test it out.”

My eyes widen, and I shake my head. “No way.”

Terrance frowns and crosses his arms over his chest. “We need to know.”

Charlie squeezes me again. “You won’t hurt us.”

“I’ll volunteer,” Ren says, sitting up. He crosses his legs and faces me with his hands out like he’s ready to have his palms read. “Do your worst, little temptress.”

“Yeah,” Rook says, chuckling, “See if you can tempt him straight. Then he might stop trying to use his incubus power on all of us.”

I raise an eyebrow at Ren, and he shrugs sheepishly. “I can’t help it. They’re all so scrumptious.”

I laugh.

“Go ahead and try it,” he prompts me again.

I’m nervous, but deep down I’m fairly confident that the mythics’ spell worked. Before, it was a struggle to keep my siren locked up. All Charlie had to do when we met was suggest I use my power, and my siren took over. I don’t feel that urge anymore. I’m not tempted to suck the life out of him. I’m pretty sure I’m still a possessive bitch, and that I would go homicidal if anyone tried to hurt my guys again, but right now there is no bloodlust.

“Okay.” I glance around the room. “But you guys be ready to snap me out of it, just in case.”

Terrance, Enzo, Rook, Wulf, and Charlie all nod.

I look at Ren, and he gives me a wide smile. “I’m ready, sister. Lay it on me.”

I snort and then call on my power. It responds to my call, but it feels different. There’s a sense of contentment that was never there before. There’s no yearning, no need for power that always used to rule my siren. It’s as if she’s…happy. She feels playful and wants to play a joke on Ren. Or maybe that’s me. It’s hard to tell. It’s so strange; she feels more like a part of me now than she did. Before, when I had to work so hard to keep her locked away inside me, she felt almost like a separate entity inside my head until she took over. Now it’s as if we’re one being. I can feel her, but she feels like me. Maybe that’s how all shifters feel. I think of my alternate form and can’t wait to try to shift again. I want to swim in the water as my siren. My siren thrills at the thought.

I look into Ren’s waiting eyes and give him a smirk. “Ren,” I whisper. His eyes dilate and he leans toward me, under my spell. “Do a little dance,” I command, just for the hell of it. My siren and I are both amused, but she’s not taking over. She doesn’t even care to, and I know for a fact now that I will never have to worry about going dark. My curse is broken.

Ren stands up on the bed and starts to sway and shimmy. When he slowly and sensually lifts his shirt over his head, I burst into laughter. “Stop!” I yell, giggling. I let go control of him and hold onto my gut as I laugh. “I ask you to do a little dance, and you give us a striptease?”

“What other kind of dance is there?”

I hunch over from laughing so hard, and tears leak out of the corner of my eyes. Not embarrassed at all, Ren gives me a wink and an air kiss.

“Okay, well, do those of us who aren’t attracted to men a favor and keep your pants on,” Rook grumbles.

Ren grins at him. “I will for you, Rook baby, but just know you don’t have to return that favor. Feel free to take your pants off anytime.”

Rook and Terrance both roll their eyes. “Damn incubi,” Terrance mutters under his breath.

My heart warms, and I laugh again. I love my family.

Ren takes my hand and gives me a wide smile. “You didn’t try to eat my soul,” he teases, much to my horror. “So I guess that means it worked.”

A laugh bubbles up from me, and tears prick my eyes again. “Yeah. It worked.”