Henry smiles at me, and his chest puffs up. “I’m a master vampire. I am much stronger than Parker. I can break his compulsion.”

At this, my siren perks up. My whole body tingles with her power. I can taste her hunger. It’s so dark it terrifies me. “Maybe we shouldn’t. I’m not sure I want her power unleashed. We’re strong, Henry, and we’re very angry. I think she’ll try to hurt you.”

“Don’t worry, love.” Henry grips the sides of my face and smiles lovingly. “You aren’t angry. You are calm, and you want to please me.” His words are so heavy in my head that my knees buckle beneath the weight of them. Henry catches me as I collapse and lowers us to the ground. He holds me in his arms and takes my face again.

“Careful,” Aziel warns. “Nora may be strong, but you know no one is meant to take so much compulsion. You could fracture her mind.”

Henry sends a glare Aziel’s way, then turns to me, all affectionate smiles again. “You are so strong, Nora. Stay with me. We’re almost done, and then, I promise, no more.”

I don’t understand what he means. Nothing makes sense anymore. All I know is that I’m calm and that I want to please Henry.

Henry looks deeply into my eyes. “You will disregard Parker’s compulsion and only use your siren’s song when I tell you to.”

More weight crushes my brain. I cry out as razor sharp pain slices through my head. It hurts. It’s so heavy. I gasp for air, and something warm trickles from my nose.

“No more, Henry!” Aziel shouts. “You will break her!”

Henry ignores Aziel. He pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes my nose. The white cloth comes away red. “It hurts, Henry.”

He brushes my hair back behind my ears. “No more,” he promises me. “But we do need to test your powers. Luther!” he shouts.

A tall vampire steps out of the crowd of vampires I forgot were even here and glides smoothly to Henry’s side. “Yes, sire?”

“Kneel.” The man obeys and kneels in front of me so that we’re eye level. Henry looks at me. “Try to use your power on this man.”

I glance at the man, startled. He swallows hard but otherwise does not react to Henry’s command. He’s so loyal he will stand here and be my guinea pig.

I can feel the need to do as Henry says, and my siren is joyful at the command, but I use all of my will power to postpone this command. “Henry,” I rasp, gritting my teeth and pushing against the compulsion. “I could hurt him.”

Henry’s not moved. “We must know if the spell worked.” He glances at Luther and gives the nervous man a smile as affectionate as the ones he always gives me. He may be a lot of things, but he does love his vampires. “You don’t need to hurt him. Just use your song on him. Command him.”

I can’t hold back any longer. I look at the man and reach for my siren. Her power fills me and finally,finally, she breaks free. She sings with joy, and I instantly ensnare Henry’s vampire. His pupils dilate and he leans toward me, completely under my spell. Desire fills me. I love this feeling of power. I love my siren. When she’s free like this, we are one. And we’re hungry. So hungry. This man in front of us is ours.

“Nora,” Henry says. “How do you feel? Does it feel dark? Do you wish to hurt this man or not?”

I lick my lips. I want to do so much more than hurt this man; I want to devour him. I reach out and place my hand over the man’s heart. We both gasp. He leans in to my touch and I shudder. He has such a strong, beautiful life force, and I can’t wait to take it. “Mine,” I sing.

“Yes,” the vampire rasps. “I am yours.”

Henry’s arms come around me. “No, love. He is mine. As are you.”

I don’t like that. I belong to no man. Men belong to me. I whirl in Henry’s arms and hiss at him. My siren wants to attack him, but something holds me back. Compulsion. It’s so easy to recognize now. I’ve been compelled not to harm Henry. It pisses me off. I want to claim him, to take his soul. I try again, but when I can’t, I turn back to the vampire under my spell. I will have him.

“Mine,” I growl, and start to pull his life force from his body.

He screams. I can feel his pain as I drain the life out of him. It brings me so much pleasure that I shiver.


Henry grips my arms, but I don’t stop. This man is mine, and I will not stop until I have consumed every last drop of him.

“Nora, you must stop. You’re killing him!”

“He ismine!I will own his soul for eternity!”

“Nora, please,” Henry begs. I love the sound of it. I love that the powerful vampire is begging me. Soon, I will have every man begging me for death.

All too soon, the man crumples to the ground. Henry scoops him up and then blinks at me in shock. “You killed him.”