Tension is high as we arriveat the club. We’ve chosen Underworld as our battleground. It hasn’t been open since the shooting, and it’s still a mess from Terrance’s rage, but it’s familiar, and no innocent bystanders will be around to get caught in the crossfire.

I shake out my trembling hands. I’m nervous. I talked a big game to get the guys to agree to this, and it’s true I think this is the best way, but that doesn’t mean I’m not scared. I’m scared for my men. I’m wanted alive, but the bounty on my guys is only good if they’re dead. The thought of losing even one of them has my stomach in knots.

I look around at my clan, talking strategy, scoping out the building, getting familiar with all of the exits, and even barricading some of them. They seem to be in good spirits, considering we’re about to fight for our lives.

Hands grip my shoulders, and I jump sky high at the touch, letting out a startled scream. Those strong hands holding my shoulders pull me back against a hard chest and begin to knead the tension out of me. “Relax, Mistress,” Illren’s soft voice murmurs in my ear. His breath blankets my neck, and then his lips brush my skin. I shiver, and some of the stress leaves me. “A little nerves will keep your senses sharp, but too much anxiety will be a distraction.”

“I can’t help it. Only two days ago Rook and Wulf were nearly killed. And Oliver still tires easily.”

“The wolves are fully healed and at full strength. The sorcerer may be physically weakened, but his magic is the strongest in the Midwest. He will be a huge help in this battle, all while being tucked safely behind the bar. Enzo and Charlie will be guarding him, and both have some skill with blades. He will be all right.”

His words are a little reassuring. He’s right. Everything’s going to be okay. We’re a strong clan. My men are some of the strongest, most skilled underworlders in the city. We’ll be okay.

Illren’s fingers move up my neck to the base of my skull, and my eyes fall shut. I let out a moan that makes him chuckle. “You should not tempt me with such sounds, Mistress.” He pushes my head to the side and peppers my neck with kisses that have me shivering again.

“Now isn’t the time for this, Illren.” I say that, but I don’t move away from him or try to stop him.

He smiles against my neck. “Then after this is all over, we will make time.” He turns me around, and when I open my eyes, his stunning otherworldly gaze steals my breath. “You may be bound to the cupid, but you are still mine. Very soon, I will leave you in no doubt of that.”

I gulp. Because, how does one respond to such a statement?

Illren pulls back from me and reaches for a pile of gear sitting on the bar. “I have something for you.”

He picks up a weapons belt and fastens it around my waist. He’s all business now. “This belt has seen me through many battles. He begins touching all of the numerous weapons on the belt as he lists them off to me. There are five vampire stakes, a silver dagger, an iron dagger—both spelled to increase damage—and two vials of magic potion that work a bit like acid bombs. All you have to do is throw one at the feet of your opponent. It will release a cloud of magic that will cling to the first person it comes into contact with, so you need not worry about it spreading to you. Just make sure you’re a good two or three feet away from the person you use it on.”

“Damn, Illren,” Rook says, grinning at the fey. “That’s quite the arsenal.”

Illren frowns. “It is nothing compared to what I carry, but she is not ready for more than this yet.”

I laugh, but it dies on my lips when Illren invades my personal space to tighten the belt for me. “Do not be shy with your weapons,” he says. “No hesitation. No mercy. Your attackers will be trying to capture you, not kill you, so you will have the advantage. Use it. You will be fighting for your life, and for the lives of your clan.”

It’s quite the speech, and just enough to calm some of my anxiety. I take a deep breath and nod to Illren. “Thanks.”

He nods gravely back and then begins to pack his own cache of weapons onto his body. Rook and I both watch with amusement until a short, petite woman with fiery orange and gold hair blows in through the front door like the wind carried her here. It’s still an hour until we told the collector to meet us here, but we all jump to attention, and Illren lets loose a dagger that flies through the air toward the stranger so fast I didn’t even see it until the woman ducks. I blink. The woman has reflexes nearly as good as a vampire’s.

We’re all ready to attack until Nick groans in exasperation and says, “Kat, I told you to call first. We could have hurt you.”

This must be the person we’ve been waiting for, the phoenix Nick asked to join us. She’s wearing jeans and a plaid button-up shirt, cowboy boots, and a brown cowboy hat, and she looks every bit as free-spirited and cocky as Nick.

She rolls her eyes at Nick and grabs Illren’s dagger from the wall it stuck in when she ducked the throw. She finds Illren in the crowd and smirks. “Nice aim. I bet you’re handy in a fight.”

Nick sighs. “Kat, that’s Illren Kovros.”

Kat’s eyebrows climb up in surprise. “Kovros.” She studies his dagger, flips it a couple times, then looks at Illren again. “I heard tell you’re the deadliest assassin in North America.”

Illren would probably argue that he’s the deadliest assassin in all of the world and the fey realm as well, and I’d be inclined to believe him.

Illren, with his signature bored expression, shrugs a shoulder. “Would you care to find out?”

“Illren,” I say, but my warning dies on my lips when, quick as a flash, Kat throws Illren’s dagger right back at him. I don’t even have time to gasp before Illren plucks the dagger out of the air and sheathes it in his belt.

My jaw falls slack. I knew he was good, and that the sidhe have enhanced reflexes, which is why they’re so good in a fight despite their lack of physical strength, but that was incredible. Why would anyone ever go up against him?

The woman’s smirk brightens into a genuine smile. “You’ll do,” she teases.

Nick groans again, but I’ll be damned if the corner of Illren’s mouth doesn’t twitch with a smile.

The woman stands tall and puts her hands on her hips as she takes in the rest of our clan. “Well, hell. You are just the handsomest clan I’ve ever seen.” She grins at me. “You’re one lucky gal. You really need to tell me your secret.”