“What’s that got to do with us?” Rook asks.

No one seems to have an answer to that.

“That’s what Nora and I have to figure out,” Nick says. “We’ll ask around, see if anyone’s heard anything. Between the contracts out on the mythics and your clan, there’s a lot of money up for grabs. Someone’s got to be talking.” He gets to his feet like everything’s settled. “Jacobs. Let’s go. Get your coat.”

I sigh. “I don’t have one.”

“Yes, you do.” Terrance pulls a slim black mid-length women’s coat with a fuzzy lining off the coatrack. It’s nice. Stylish. But it’s also simple. I like it. “Rook and I picked it up this afternoon while you were sleeping.” He shoves it at me with a grunt and a rare blush on his cheeks. “We tried to get something you’d like.”

His blush hits me right in the heart. It’s so sweet. He’s nervous that I might not like what he picked. Terrance may be a big ass grumpy troll—and don’t get me wrong, his bite is definitely as bad as his bark—but he’s got a serious soft spot deep inside. I get to my feet, take the coat, and rise up on my tiptoes. He bends down to let me kiss his cheek. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Terrance.”

Terrance rolls his eyes, but his lips twitch. He’s trying really hard to keep the scowl on his face, but he’s not fooling anyone.

Rook clears his throat, so I go to him next. “Thanks, Rook. I love it.”

I start to kiss his cheek, but he snakes his arm around my waist and kisses my lips. “You’re welcome. We got you some gloves, a hat, and a scarf to match.”

I grin. I may not be very girly, but if I have a fashion weakness, it’s winter scarves and hats. That fact hasn’t gone unnoticed in the den. “Thanks.”

Nick walks to the coatrack and slips on his leather jacket. “You ready to go, partner?”

“Rook and I’ll go out with you,” Terrance says. “We’ve got to get to the club.”

Charlie sits up and closes his laptop. “I need to go out to my office for a bit as well.”

“Take someone with you,” Terrance orders. “No one goes out alone until we stop this man.”

“I will accompany him,” Illren says.

“I’ll head into the office with Parker, then,” Oliver says. He shakes his head at me before I can get any protests out. Which is exactly what I was about to do. “I’ll take it easy, Nora. But I can do more good at the Agency than I can here.”

I want to argue, but he looks determined. “You promise you’ll take it easy?” I ask.

He grimaces. “I don’t have the energy to do anything but take it easy.”

“Then you should stay—”

“I’ll be okay. I can sit on the couch here, or at my desk at work. It’s the same. I promise if I start to feel bad, I’ll have Parker or Ren bring me home.”

He’s a grown man. I guess I can’t order him to stay home and rest. I can’t blame him for wanting to help catch this guy, either. I let out a long breath and give in. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure. I might be physically weak, but I’m not helpless. My magic feels as strong as ever.”

He has the tiniest hint of a proud look on his face, and his shoulders are pulled back just a little bit more than normal. I grin. He’s going to be using his magic all the time before we know it. “Okay. I never did tell you how awesome you were fighting against Mitchell, by the way. You really kicked his ass. I especially loved the Darth Vader move.”

Oliver beams me such a wide, bright-eyed smile that it has all the men in the room chuckling. Parker holds out a hand to help Oliver up. “Come on, Star Wars,” he teases. “Let’s get to work.”

Before everyone starts bundling up, I clap my hands once to get their attention. “Actually, before everyone takes off, I’d like to have a quick family meeting. If that’s okay?”

Everyone settles back into the couches and chairs, all giving me their full attention. “First,” I say, blushing because I’m nervous to make my next request, “I’m not sure how this works, or if it’s even something we do—I don’t know anything about clans—but I’d like to propose we invite Nick, Wulf, Enzo, and Ren to join our clan. They’re basically part of the family already, and I’m pretty sure Enzo, at the very least, would really like to be part of what we have.”

A wave of self-consciousness hits me when no one says anything right away. All I’m getting is a lot of surprised looks. “Are you saying you’d like them all to be part of your harem?” Charlie asks.

I quickly shake my head. “No. It’s not like that. Five men is more than enough for me.”

Illren sits straight up, his eyes sharp on me. “Five. So you admit that I am in your harem.” It’s not a question.

I roll my eyes, but I can feel a blush spread across my cheeks. “Not the issue here, Illren. I’m talking about adding a few men to our family.”