Charlie is successfully cheered up. I bask in the lighter mood for a moment but quickly sigh. Time to get back on topic. “So, what are we going to do about all this? Where do we start?”

Parker blows out a breath through puffed cheeks and rises to his feet. “Well, Gorgeous and I have to get to the Agency. We’ve got a body to deal with, and we’ll see what we can do about finding out who put the contract on us.” His gaze slides to Oliver, and sadness washes over him. “Though, Oliver’s really the one we need on that. He’s the one with all the hacking/technology skills.”

I swallow back a lump in my throat. “He’ll wake up soon.”

“Nora,” Nick says softly, “you should come in with Parker and me.”

That simple request reminds me how angry I am with Nick, and how sickened by what he and Director West did. I give him a long look before I say, “No.”

Nick clenches his fist. “Look, I get that your upset, but—”

“Stop right there.” I hold up a hand. “I don’t want to fight with you right now, Nick. I honestly don’t have it in me. I’m not working with the Agency.” Nick looks like he’s ready to argue until I pick up Oliver’s hand and say, “I’m not leaving him, anyway.”

Nick sighs and heads for the door. He looks back at me just before he walks through it. “We’re not done with this conversation.”

I flip him off without looking at him. I don’t hear him leave.

Parker rounds the bed and kisses my head. “We’ll see what we can figure out.”

I assume since he’s not asking what that was about that the guys have filled him in on the details about my mother and the Agency. I look up at him with glossy eyes. “Did you know?”

I can tell he knows what I’m talking about. He stares at me for a moment, then sits down beside me. “I suspected,” he admits. “I never knew for sure. Henry never shared with me what he saw in your memory, but I remember the rogues. Since I wasn’t allowed to stop them, I was charged with cleaning up after them and keeping our race secret from the humans. I don’t know how you slipped through the cracks. But Nora, it killed me that I couldn’t stop them. It killed Henry, too. He hated what was happening.”

My eyes burn, and my voice wobbles. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

Parker’s shoulders slump. “Henry would never have allowed me to, and by the time I was free of him, it slipped my mind. The subject never came up again. I would have told you, though, if I’d thought of it or you’d asked.”

I search his eyes for any sign of a lie. I don’t find one. He looks sincere and even devastated by the truth. I grab his hand and bring the back of it to my cheek, needing to feel close to him. His thoughts are wracked with guilt. I kiss his hand and pull him into a hug. “It wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you for what happened.”

Parker returns my hug, holding me as if he needs the comfort as much as I do. When he pulls back, he meets my eyes with sad ones. “You should forgive Gorgeous and Director West too, or at least you shouldn’t give up on the Agency. Maybe they made some bad choices, but that doesn’t mean the Agency is bad.”

I swallow hard. I get what he’s saying, but it’s because of Nick and Director West that my mother is dead. Theyletit happen. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I just don’t know if I can.”

Parker gives me a soft smile of understanding and drops the subject. “I’m so sorry, Nora.” He kisses my temple. “I’ll do what I can about this contract. Maybe there will be something on the body that gives us some information. Nick’s a great detective. If there are answers, he’ll find them.” He stands up and looks at Oliver again. His face falls with that overwhelming, sad expression. “Take care of him, and call me if he wakes up.”

I can’t speak, so I just nod. Parker leans down and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you, Nora. I’ll see you later.”

Once he’s gone, Illren peels himself away from the wall and clears his throat. “I think I will go visit some of my colleagues and remind them why it’s a very bad idea to take this contract.”

I snort. Of course he wants to run around the city terrorizing his fellow mercenaries. Bloodthirsty faerie. It’s not even all that surprising when Terrance stands up straight and demands to go with him. Illren looks him up and down and smiles this frightening devious, feral smile. “Yes,” he says. “Let’s go assassin hunting.”

Hunting?I wonder if there is going to be anyone left to take this contract by the end of the day. Perhaps I should lecture Illren about the wholemurder is wrongthing again, but I honestly don’t care if he rids the city of other murderers. Especially not if they’re thinking of coming after my family. “Have fun,” I mutter.

Illren’s eyes snap to mine, and his smile turns almost smug. “I will keep you safe, Mistress,” he promises, then swoops in for a kiss. It’s not quite the doozie he planted on me earlier this afternoon, but it’s definitely more than the peck Parker just gave me.

He pulls back, and then he’s out the door without another word. Terrance steps forward, surprising me when he wraps his big hand around the back of my head and pulls me against his chest. “I will keep him in line,” he promises. I take that to mean he won’t let Illren kill anyone innocent, but I’m sure he’ll help him with anyone he perceives as a threat. I would not want to be an assassin today. “Call me the second Oliver wakes.”

I wrap my arms around his waist and nod into his chest. “I will. Be careful today.”

He answers me by plopping a kiss on the top of my head. “Stay out of trouble, Trouble.”

He walks out, leaving Rook, Charlie, and me alone with an unconscious Oliver. I give them a smile. “Looks like you guys have Nora duty.”

Rook smiles, but it’s sad. He moves to sit next to me and wraps me in a tight hug. I soak up the affection. When he pulls back, he gives me a long, sweet kiss. I take the time to enjoy him. I need the extra TLC right now. He combs my hair back away from my face and quietly asks, “You feeling any better?”

I let out a long breath. “I’m exhausted.”

Rook nods his understanding. “Lie back, then, and rest next to Oliver for a while. We’ll keep watch over you both.”

Charlie nods in confirmation. I give both men a grateful smile, then let Rook tuck me in beside Oliver. I curl up next to Ollie and close my eyes. The last thing I hear is Rook and Charlie quietly murmuring with one another.