“Trust me,” Henry whispers. The weight of his words makes my head hurt worse, and I sway on my feet.

He holds me in place, then snaps his fingers. “Someone bring your mistress a chair.”

“Mistress?” I echo. Why is that so familiar? “That’s right. Someone calls memistress.”

A woman I don’t recognize brings over a folding chair. “Yes, love,” Henry answers as he helps me sit down. “You are my mate. My vampires are your vampires. You are their mistress. They love you.”

I look around, just now noticing the crowd of people in this large room. There must be a couple hundred. As I scan their faces, all are smiling at me as if they adore me. I don’t remember them, but Henry must be right. I trust him.

“Continue on, James,” Henry says, and a man—a sorcerer—moves to a cage that holds a small girl. Again, something rings familiar.

“Henry…that girl. Is she the missing unicorn we’ve been looking for?”

Henry smiles and takes my hand. “Yes, love. We finally have all of the creatures we need to help you.”

“Hello, Sapphire,” James says as he squats down beside her cage.

“Hello,” she responds warily.

“Do you see that nice woman over there?” He points my direction, and the girl looks my way. She seems frightened, so I give her a reassuring smile. “She’s sick,” James says. “She’s been cursed with dark magic.”

The girl gasps.

“She’s been fighting it, but it’s trying to take over. You can help her. All I need is a little of your blood, and she can break her curse. Her dark magic will turn to light magic, and she won’t be in danger of hurting people anymore. You’d like to help her, wouldn’t you?”

The girl looks at me again and bites her lip. “She’s good?”

“Very good,” James says. “She uses her powers to help people. She’s saved many lives in the past and stopped killers. But if she loses herself to her curse, she won’t be able to help people anymore.”

“Don’t do it, Sapphire,” a man rasps. He’s in another cage, and he coughs after he speaks. He’s weak and shivering. “Those men are manipulating you. They are evil. They took you from your family. They hurt Kat and Gorgeous.”

What? Why would Henry do something like that? He’s a good man. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He’s trying to help me. I frown up at Henry, and he squeezes my hand. I want to ask him what’s going on, but I trust him. I’m so confused right now. Something happened tonight. Something important. I have to trust that Henry knows what’s going on.

“I’m a mythic, Aziel,” the girl says softly. “I can tell truth from lies. This man is telling me the truth. Nora is a good person. She really has saved many lives and stopped killers. Shouldn’t we help her?”

“Trust me, this won’t help her. She can’t—”

“Do you wish to go home?” Henry interrupts.

The girl, Sapphire, whips her head in Henry’s direction. “Yes, please.”

Henry smiles at her. “If you help Nora, your job here will be done, and my people will take you straight home to your family. You will not be harmed. They will take good care of you.”

“Don’t do it,” Aziel says again, but Sapphire doesn’t listen.

“All right,” she whispers. “I will help her.” She gulps when James opens her cage. “Will it hurt?”

“Nothing but a small pinch,” he assures her. “Give me your arm.”

James pokes her with a needle that’s hooked to a plastic tube, and a line of bright red blood flows into a small cauldron.

“Do not take too much!” Aziel warns. “She is young and weak.”

“I don’t need much,” James promises. “She will be fine.”

Seconds later, he removes the needle and places a Band-Aid on Sapphire’s arm. “That’s it,” he says. “All done.”

The girl’s eyes light up. “I can go home now?”