Parker’s body stiffens around me. “Are you sure?” he asks hesitantly.

I’ve never been surer of anything in my life than I am of the fact that I need to make love to him right now. “Yes,” I murmur. “Please.”

That’s all the encouragement Parker needs. He helps me from the tub and dries the excess water from my body. The act is sensual, seductive—like everything Parker does. The heat in his eyes is enough to keep me warm in the cool room. He takes my hand and walks me to the bed, but I stop before he can lay me down. I don’t want to follow his lead. I need something else right now.

My men have done nothing but take care of me for days. I need to return the favor. I need to give back. And part of me just needs the control. This new world I’ve finally entered is exciting, yet it’s still overwhelming. I’ve made myself so vulnerable, more vulnerable than I’ve ever let myself be, and as happy as I am, I need a break. This time, I need to be in charge. “Lie down,” I order softly but firmly. “Put your hands behind your head.”

Surprise flashes in Parker’s eyes, followed by a scorching look that makes my mouth dry. He obeys wordlessly, without a shred of shame for being ordered around. In fact, he’s all confidence and pride as he lies down and tucks his hands up behind his head. His eyes fasten on mine with something that urges me on. It’s as if he’s daring me to keep playing this game. Encouraging me to take charge and be the predator, allowing him to be the prey for once.

I don’t have anywhere near the confidence he has, but his support gives me the courage to climb onto the bed and settle on top of him. I lean down and press my lips to his. He kisses me back with passion, leaning forward into the kiss. I can feel him pushing against his own restraint, but he doesn’t move his hands from behind his head. He holds still as I asked.

I break the kiss and look down at him, feeling suddenly shy. “Is this okay?”

His eyes soften. “It’s more than okay. Whatever you need, Nora. Always. I promise.”

This man. His promise squeezes my heart until I fear it will burst from my chest. I swallow back a lump of emotion. “Thank you.”

I kiss him again, and though he holds still, it doesn’t stop his kiss from being passionate and full of heat. We break apart, gasping for air, our chests heaving against each other. We stare at each other for a moment, and he swallows hard. I can tell he wants to touch me, but he still holds himself back.

Slowly, I move my lips to his neck and then down his chest, tasting his body in a way that I haven’t done before. The more I explore, the heavier his breathing gets. And when I make my way down to where he needs me, the leash on his control snaps and he buries his hand in my hair. I allow it because his touch is comforting. He’s letting me lead, but we’re in this together.

His low moan of pleasure is all I need to forget my shyness and lose myself in the moment. I take my time exploring him and loving him, wanting to give him as much as he gave me. It isn’t until sunrise that we finally settle down. I know the sun is coming up because his movements get slower, his blinks heavier. I snuggle into his arms and sigh. “Rest, Parker.”

He squeezes me tightly. “I don’t want to. I don’t want this moment to end.”

I smile at that. “We’ll have more moments like this.”

“Notthismoment. Not our first.”

My eyes prick, and I swallow thickly.

“I’m an old vampire, Nora. In all my years, I’ve never had anything like this. I’ve never been emotionally connected with a lover. Tonight, with you, was a new experience.”

His confession is so sweet that I can barely speak around my emotions. “It was perfect.”

“Perfect,” he echoes, as if agreeing with me. “I love you, Nora.”

“I love you, too. Now sleep.”

He squeezes me again and kisses my temple but says nothing else. It only takes a minute before his grip on me loosens and his breathing evens out. I lay my head on his chest and let the low thud of his heartbeat lull me to sleep.