I shake my head. “That’s fine and dandy and all, but this felt different. He was suspicious of Rook and me. He thinks we’re up to something. And I don’t know how to describe it exactly, but his thoughts felt solid. He felt like he had a plan.”

Rook pulls his shoulders back, blinking at me. “Histhoughts?”

My face turns red as I cringe. “Busted.”

“You’re a mind reader?” Alpha Toth asks, eyes wide. “You hear actual thoughts?”

I sigh. “When I make skin-to-skin contact, yes, I hear thoughts and sense feelings. But that is very dangerous information, so I appreciate you both forgetting you know it.”

Both men frown at me. I raise my hands in surrender. “I know you won’t tell anyone. I just hate people knowing that. It’s not a talent people are fond of.”

“It’s a helpful one, though,” Alpha Toth says.

“Yes and no. I only get surface thoughts and feelings. I can’t just dig around in someone’s head. So I can’t necessarily find out if Jeffrey is Hottie McMoney Thief’s accomplice unless I straight up ask, and I can’t do that without raising suspicions. More suspicions. All I can tell you is that he is planning to take over the pack, and that he feels very confident it’s going to happen.”

“Hottie McMoney Thief?” Rook snorts. “Really?”

I groan. “Again, focusing on the wrong information here. I need to find out more. I may need to talk to Jeffrey again, though he gives me the creeps. And I really need to spend some time with—”

“Hottie McMoney Thief,” Rook supplies with a grin.


“His name is Daniel McCrary.”

“Well. I had the Mc part right, then.” I stick my tongue out at Rook, and he laughs. “Fine. I need to talk to Daniel, but that means you have to keep Maya and the other wolves away from me for a while. No offense to your pack or anything, Alpha Toth, but those guys are acting like they’ve never seen a woman before, and they’re starting to annoy me and piss off all your pack females.”

Alpha Toth chuckles. “Ever heard the termfresh meat?”

“Gee, how charming.”

Alpha Toth shrugs. “You’re a novelty, and everyone’s curious. Can’t blame them for being interested in a beautiful, dominant, brave, sassy, confident woman who is rumored to be very powerful and saved the life of one of our pack’s favorite females.”

“Well, shit, when you say it like that, I feel like I need to be paraded around the complex on a float.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“We’re getting off topic again. Have either of you considered that Jeffrey could be using the stolen money to buy help if he’s not capable of taking you down himself? Or that Daniel may not be acting of his own free will? He did look scared shitless in my vision.”

“Daniel always looks scared shitless,” Rook says. “The man is spineless.”

“Spineless enough to steal from the pack if he’s being threatened by someone like Jeffrey?”

Alpha Toth’s eyes flash, and he stands up straight. He’s finally taking this theory seriously. “Possibly. As possible as Jeffrey stealing the money to pay mercenaries to take me out and using Daniel as a fall guy.”

I scoff. “If Jeffrey is such a disloyal bastard, why is he your second?”

“He’s the strongest wolf below me. That’s pack way. Besides, having him close, I can keep my eye on him.” His hands clench into fists, and he growls. His eyes start to glow faintly as his wolf rises to the surface. “Obviously, I’m not watching him closely enough.”

“Hey, we’ll get him,” I say, trying to calm him down before he shifts in this tiny cluttered room and accidentally rips me up. “I’ll help you guys with this until we know for sure, and then you can tear him apart, or whatever it is you wolves do.”

Alpha Toth takes a deep breath, pushing his wolf back and calming his temper. His eyes focus on me, and his face softens. “Thank you for doing this, Nora.”

I hold up a hand. “Hey. No worries. We’ve already been through the thanking. No need to do it again. I just want to help bring the creep down.”

Alpha Toth nods. “Very well. I’ll let you get back out there to do just that. Rook. Keep a close eye on her. If Jeffrey is suspicious of the two of you already, I don’t want him getting too close to her where he can do something stupid.”

Rook growls. “If he touches her, I’ll kill him.”