Rook laughs again, waving his hand to point out several men hovering nearby with curiosity written all over their faces. “Oh, that’s not true at all,” he says. “I haven’t deterred most of them, I just sort of slowed them down. Besides, Maya seems determined to mate you off by the end of the night.”

I cringe, and am caught by the alpha and luna who have finally come over to join our conversation. “Would that be so terrible,” Alpha Toth asks, his expression not quite offended, but almost, “being mated to one of my wolves? Joining the pack?”

I force a smile. “Not necessarily. The joining the pack part, anyway. You wolves are a fun, friendly lot. But I don’t know if I’m ready to sprout fur—no offense—and I’m definitely not ready for a mate. I don’t date for a reason, Alpha Toth, but rest assured it has nothing to do with your wolves.”

Alpha Toth eyes me a moment before relenting. “Well, stick around and have some fun. We may convince you eventually. If you do find a man who catches your eye”—his gaze darts, embarrassingly, to Rook—“just know that such a union would be most welcome.”

He winks and puts his arm proudly around his mate. “Nora, I’d like you to meet Marie. The pack’s luna, and my mate.”

Unlike some of the single female pack members I’ve seen so far, the luna smiles at me with genuine kindness. She seems pleased that I’m here. When she shakes my hand, I confirm her sincerity.Such a pretty little thing, and so dominant. She would be a higher-ranking wolf. Peter is right;she would make a fine addition to the pack.

After quick introductions are made, and some small talk, Rook pulls me away, claiming I owe him a dance. The second he does, the DJ stops the song that’s playing and starts a slow song. It can’t be coincidence. The DJ is smiling playfully my way. He gives me a wink before sending a subtle nod to his ex-alpha, Rook.

I groan, and Rook laughs before hoping off the stage and holding his hands out, offering to help me down. I let him lift me to the floor, but I complain the whole time, so it isn’t exactly romantic. “Is everyone in your pack determined to embarrass me?”

Rook moves me onto the small dance floor and begins waltzing me around in slow circles. People stop to watch us like we’re the bride and groom at a wedding. “Nah, werewolves are just hopeless matchmakers, and I think a lot of them hope I’ll find another mate again someday.”

“That’s sweet of them, really, but don’t any of them care that we both said we didn’t plan to date?”

“And yet, here we are on the dance floor.”

Rook smirks, spins me in a circle, and then pulls me close, tightening his grip on me. If I couldn’t hear his thoughts, and they weren’t completely focused on wondering how I could point out the man from my vision without giving us away, I’d be worried by how flirty he’s being. But the truth is, Rook’s just a good actor. He’s also enjoying being able to dance with a woman and not having to worry that she’s expecting a mate bond at the end. I laugh at that thought and relax, allowing him to twirl me around the dance floor. The man’s right, after all. I never get to enjoy a worry-free dance, either.

“So,” I say, after our dance is over, “why don’t you introduce me to a few people before Maya steals me away? I happen to like tall, muscular men with brown hair and brown eyes.” I scan the crowd and spot the man from my vision. I don’t just want to single him out, so I point at several men who meet my description. “Like that guy, or him, or…him.”

Rook shoots me a sharp glance, and I give him a subtle nod.Yes. That’s our guy.

“Him?”Rook asks incredulously.

I’m surprised by his shock. “Definitely. What’s wrong with that guy?”

Rook shakes his head. “Nothing. He’s just…”

“Just one of the most submissive wolves in the pack,” Maya says, shamelessly butting into our conversation.

“What’s wrong with a submissive wolf?” I ask, offended on the guy’s behalf. “He’s probably sweet, and he’d probably do anything for the woman he loves.”

“He’s a big pushover,” Maya corrects.

“Whatever.” I wave at Rook as I let Maya drag me off. “I think he’s gorgeous.”

Maya huffs. “Woman, you’d be wasted on a guy like that. You’re too dominant for him. You’re a fighter. I’ve seen you in action, remember? You need a real man. Come on, I’ve got a few in mind.”

The next hour is exhausting. Maya pushes me into the arms of what feels like half the pack. The number of men that want to dance with me even though I’m human surprises me. I guess Wulf really wasn’t kidding about them not having a problem with my kind. Several of them even ask if I’m considering applying for transformation. I leave it vague but tell them Alpha Toth already gave me permission, if I should decide I want to.

Dancing and keeping up conversation with them all is hard to do while listening to all of their thoughts. It’s the hardest task I’ve ever tried to do with my powers yet. If helping people out like this is going to become a thing, I need more practice using and controlling my powers. I’m going to have to stop being afraid of them.

I barely finish a song, and am going to try and make my way to the food, when Alpha Toth’s beta catches me by the elbow. “Well, little human, seems you’ve danced with everyone else. How about you give me the honor next?”

This is the man who challenged Wulf. I can tell without touching him that he likes me just as much as he likes Wulf—whom he attacked. Either that, or he’s just a condescending asshole to everyone. That’s a good possibility. “I suppose.” I force a sugary sweet smile and take his offered hand. “If you really want to.”

“Of course I do.”

He takes me into his arms just in time for me to hear him think,Timeto see what all the hype is about. The music morphs into another slow song, so Jeffrey begins to move me around the floor with as much expertise as the others—werewolves sure can dance. “Are you enjoying the party so far?”

“Sure. I usually prefer things quiet, but your pack has been very friendly.”

She’s as dominant as everyone says. Probably stronger than Maya. She’d be an alpha female. Just what the hell is Rook up to? Or is it Wulf she’s working with? Maybe the three of them are working together.“Especially Rook, eh? He seemsveryfriendly.”