Rook’s head whips in my direction. His brows are raised in a question. “It’s true,” I tell him. “I don’t date.”

“Neither does Rook,” Wulf promises. “So just give the friends thing a try for a while. Let him train you, Nora. Talk. Hang out.” He steps closer to me and lowers his voice to barely a whisper. “You both have traumatic pasts,” he says softly. “Maybe you two can help each other heal.”

I want to kill him, but he’s being so sweet. He’s really just looking out for his brother. And, I have to admit, I’m a lot more intrigued now that I know Rook doesn’t date and that he has some kind of traumatic past.

Wulf smiles when he sees he’s won me over. I sigh and glance at Rook to find him eyeing me just as curiously. “You don’t have to train me, if you don’t want to,” I say. “I’m sorry Wulf put you on the spot like this.” I step back and fold my arms across my chest. I give Wulf a stink-eye and add, “I had no idea he was so meddlesome.”

Every wolf within earshot cracks up laughing.

“That’s a werewolf trait, girl,” Maya calls to me. “We’re all that way. Better get used to it.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” I mutter under my breath.

This time, only Rook laughs. I look at him, and he raises a brow at me. “I don’t mind training you. If you think you can handle hanging out here with us meddling wolves three times a week.”

“There’s nothing to meddle in—I truly don’t date—so as long as you keep your paws to yourself, then yes, thank you, I’d love to train with you.”

The crowd laughs again, and Rook grins. He holds his hand out to me. “Deal.” I give it a quick shake and laugh when his only thought is something about needing to kill his damned meddling brother.

“Great,” I say, and then force a smile at my rather large audience. “Well, as awesome as this visit has been, I need to get to work pretty soon. So I think it’s time I take my lone wolf back to the city.”

Sunday night at the clubisn’t quite as busy as Saturday was, but it’s still loud, chaotic, and exhausting. I’m glad for it, because it doesn’t give Wulf much time to hound me about Rook. Oh, he finds time when he can, just not as much. “Honey, I’m not saying you have to mate with the guy. Just hang out with him. He needs to not be scared of women anymore, and you, pip-squeak, are the least scary woman on the planet.”

I punch him in the arm for that, as hard as I can. He laughs at my efforts and winks at me before turning his flirty smile on some woman at the bar, showing more cleavage than the Swiss have Alps.

I roll my eyes and pour a small, grumpy dwarf his fourth shot of absinthe. “If you’re so worried about Rook,” I call down the bar to Wulf, “why not just find him a good she-wolf to date?”

“Because all she-wolves are just trying to snag mates.” Wulf shivers in horror. “Rook would never give one the chance to get close.”

“So I’m supposed to go in all undercover-like, disguised as a nonthreatening female who just wants to be friends?”

“And then win his heart without him realizing it? Yeah. Basically.”

“Human! Hey, human! Girl! What’s a guy have to do to get a drink around here?”

I shake my head at Wulf one more time and then smile at the elf man waiting to be served. The condescending asshole—elves are the worst when it comes to respecting my human status—orders his drink, and as he saunters off, that intuition of mine hits me like lightning, nearly making my knees buckle. Tingles shoot down my neck and into my whole body, making me feel alive and alert, and yet paralyzing me at the same time. Dread washes over me so strong that I gasp and grip the counter to keep from falling. Whoever my gift is warning me about is close by, and they mean business. Death is on my doorstep. “Wulf!”

Even though it’s loud and busy, Wulf is at my side in an instant. “What’s wrong?”

“Someone here is going to try and kill me.”

Wulf doesn’t like that comment. He snarls, and his eyes glow as he lets his wolf come to the surface. “How do you know?”

“How do I do any of the things I do?” I glare at him, but it’s mostly my anxiety making me lose control. “I justknow. I canfeelit.”

Wulf shoves me behind him and glares at the crowd around us. “Who? Where?”

“I don’t know. It’s only a warning.”

“Well, that’s helpful.”

“It’s better than nothing.”

He harrumphs and pulls out his cell phone, ignoring all the annoyed customers shouting for drinks. “I’m texting Terrance. Tell me if you see anyone suspicious.”

I’m in a club full of supernatural monsters. Right now, theyalllook suspicious. It’s especially impossible to tell if anyone means me harm right now, because both Wulf and I have stopped serving drinks and people are starting to get pissed.

“Come on.” Wulf grunts, gruffly grabbing my arm and dragging me toward the end of the bar. “Terrance says to take you to his private suite. It doubles as a panic room.”