“I respectfully decline the position,” Wulf says calmly.

Alpha Toth frowns, disappointed, but not the least bit surprised. “You won the challenge, Wulf. The position is yours automatically.”

Wulf groans, as if he’s being inconvenienced in the worst possible way. “I have no interest in being a pack beta.”

“Then you shouldn’t have fought—”

“I had no choice. The asshole jumped me without warning.”

Alpha Toth’s jaw clenches, and he glares at Jeffrey. Jeffrey glares back, standing proud and puffing up his chest. “He’s not pack! He wasn’t supposed to be here.”

Alpha Toth sighs and throws a hand over his face, rubbing his eyes. “He had permission,” he says tiredly. “He was bringing someone dear to our pack to visit.” He removes his hand from his face and waves it my direction. “Everyone, meet Nora Jacobs, the brave human who rescued Maya and the others last month.”

The crowd gasps and erupts into cheers, clapping and whistling for me. I’m a bit shocked by the reception, and flash an awkward wave.

“I had hoped to introduce her as an honored guest at the pack social next weekend, but now that we’ve bloodied her escort, I’m not sure she’ll want to come.”

“A little fight isn’t going to scare her off,” calls a familiar voice.

I scan the crowd for the face I know is out there, and grin when I spot it. “Hey, Maya.”

“Hey, girl!” Maya flashes me a wolfish grin. She looks a lot healthier than the last time I saw her. I almost don’t recognize her. “Welcome to the compound. It’s good to see you again.”

“You too.”

“You’re still going to come to the social, right?”

“Sure. Sounds like a hell of a party. I’m not so sure Wulf will want to come now, though.”

Maya grins, but this time she’s looking at Wulf. She slings her arm over his shoulder and says to me, “He’ll have to. It’s mandatory for the pack. They’ll introduce him officially as our new beta. There’s a little ceremony for it and everything.”

“No!” Wulf groans again. “No ceremony. I’m not joining the pack. I have no desire to be anyone’s beta.” He casts Alpha Toth a serious gaze and adds, “Or anyone’s alpha. Which is what my wolf would demand, if I rejoined.”

The crowd gasps, and Alpha Toth stiffens. “Is that a challenge?” he growls. I’m surprised he’s so angry. I got the impression he really liked Wulf.

“No!It’s not a damn challenge. I hate werewolf politics. GAH.” Wolf fists his hair with both hands as he groans at the sky. “You see?” he says to me. “This is why I never come back. I’m a lone wolf, Nora. I’d be a crappy leader, only my wolf is too dominant to be anything but.” He gives Alpha Toth what is meant to be a pleading expression. “I’m sorry. I have to decline the position of beta. I mean no disrespect, but I can’t join your pack. I only came today because Nora needs training.”

Alpha Toth looks at me, then back at Wulf, before sighing helplessly. “I’m sorry, friend. Your cause is noble, but we can’t have a lone wolf in pack territory. It’ll cause too many problems within the pack. Thank you for introducing me to Nora, but I’m afraid if you don’t join, you can’t be allowed back.”

My heart sinks. I understand where Alpha Toth is coming from—we’ve been here an hour, and Wulf’s already been in a fight with the pack’s beta—but I’m still disappointed. Wulf, on the other hand, is beaming. “That’s okay,” he says, smiling bigger than I’ve ever seen him. He nods his head toward his brother. “Rook can train her.”

“What?” I shout. “You’re passing me off after one lesson?”

“I won’t, if you don’t want me to,” he says, still grinning, “but the only other place I have to work with you is my place, and we’d be alone there, which I know you don’t want.” I blush, because he’s right, but I didn’t need the whole pack hearing that and assuming things. “Besides,” he continues, “Rook is much better at fighting in human form than me. I’m more of a go-at-it-on-all-fours kind of guy.”

“I noticed,” I say flatly. “Fine. But did you even ask Rook? Are you sure he would even want to help me?”

“Oh, he doesn’t mind. Do you, big brother?”

When he grins at Rook, it’s so devious I almost laugh. I don’t know why, but he did this on purpose. He wanted Rook to teach me from the start. Rook knows it, too, and though he’s both shocked and annoyed, he’s also trying not to laugh. “That’swhat you’re up to?” Rook asks, shaking his head. “Thirty years?You don’t come home for thirty years, and when you do, it’s to bring me agirl?”

My mouth falls open. No freaking way. This is about me? And his brother? Like, as in, together?

“Nora’s not just a girl,” Wulf says. He winks at me and adds, “And I’m right, anyway, aren’t I? I mean, you stole her from me like five minutes after I got here, and you still haven’t let her go.”

He means that literally, because Rook’s arm is still around me. I know he was only protecting me during the fight, but now it looks like he’s holding me, or staking a claim on me. My eyes bulge, and I scramble out of Rook’s grip. “You were setting me up?” I shout at Wulf. “Are you freaking kidding me? You brought me here toset me up?”

The crowd laughs, making my cheeks flame again. I glare at Wulf, but he doesn’t look the least bit repentant. In fact, when he shrugs at me, it’s the cockiest I’ve ever seen him. “You’d be good for each other, since you both refuse to date.”