"Ghost," I whisper, and he closes his eyes, his throat tensing as his head drops on my hair. No, no, sir, we're not doing that today.
I give his hair a small tug. "Bunny?"
That gets his attention.
His hazy eyes find mine, recentering, coming down before he can fly completely off the rails. I squeeze his shoulder, leaning back to hold his gaze, making myself breathe in and out nice and deep. He subconsciously mimics me, color returning to his face with a light blush on his cheeks.
“I’m here,” I whisper, just for him, before he can really shut down in embarrassment. “Really, Ghost. I’m alright. It wasn’t that bad.”
His brow knits, and he shakes his head. “Yes it was,” he says. “It never should’ve happened. I should’ve—”
He stops, to my complete surprise, and draws in a breath that he holds in his chest. I give his cheek a light stroke and push up on my toes to kiss the other. He intercepts, turning his head to catch my mouth instead.
Once again, the gallery has plenty to say. Murder almost coos in excitement, while Mayhem whips around like he’s never seen two people kiss before. Eustice chokes on her own tongue, and not a single care is given by either Ghost or myself.
They can watch. Everyone can watch while I float on cloud nine, basking in this desperate affection. He’s slower this time, but twice as frenzied, violent shivers running the length of his body as he clings to me so hard he leaves bruises I’ll cherish in the morning.
And here I am, smiling like a little kid on Christmas when he breaks this one to let me talk. I give myself a little shake, squeaking in satisfaction, and his eyes soften, a tiny, nervous smile gracing his lips.
I didn’t know someone could be so afraid, and for… for me? Is all this unspent nervous energy because I left?
“That’s better,” I say. “You… You don’t want me to go?”
“No,” he says, the smile falling and being replaced by that pained, terrified look again, “no, you—absolutely not. You’re not leaving my sight.”
My heart leaps and shatters at the same moment, and if I didn’t know better, I’d be crying and begging him to forgive me. I nod, wanting more than anything to calm him down.
“Yes, sir,” I whisper, swallowing past the lump in my throat.
“It’s late,” Eustice cuts in, a sort of nervous flit in her voice. “If she’s feeling bad later or can’t sleep, call me. For now, go upstairs and go to bed before I tranquilize you.”
Ghost hesitates a beat before sighing and smacking the call button. He shocks me again by tugging me into the elevator, keeping me tucked against his side the entire time.
“I’ll take care of the front tomorrow,” Murder says. “Get some rest, Boss. We’ll worry about Roman later. I’m glad you’re back, Luce.”
“You’re welcome!” Mayhem says as the doors slide shut. Ghost gathers me against his body again, holding me so tight I may break in half.
I’ve never been more okay with anything in my life.
Lucy lets out another happy squeak, nuzzling tighter into my arms like it’s the only place she’s ever wanted to be in her whole life.
I can’t deny it feels right to hold her, more than anything has before. It’s also scarier than I expected. I’m used to controlling situations. I’ve led Dom classes on the subject, for fuck’s sake. But the emotions Lucy has brought out in such a short time are chaotic wildfires raging through my soul.
I lean back and cup her face again, even though every cell in my body cries out at the loss. Now that we’re alone, the damage she sustained looks so much worse.
I brush my thumbs over the apples of her cheeks, half expecting to wake up.
“I’m really okay, I promise,” she murmurs, wrapping her fingers loosely around my wrists. She shifts from one leg to another and winces.
My gaze travels down to her feet, wrapped in the strappy white sandals Murder picked out. Her smooth skin is blotchy, red, and clearly blistered. My poor Lucy.
“Did you walk the whole way?”