Page 34 of His Innocent Muse

We’ve been searching for over twelve hours. I haven’t slept in…I’ve lost count. Since the night before Lucy appeared in my life. I’m running solely on caffeine and adrenaline.

Her old house was the first place we checked, but she wasn’t there. Wasn’t under the bridge, wasn’t hiding in any of the bus stations, or the shelters. She hasn’t shown back up at Vie De Mort. She could be anywhere, in any condition.

A sane man might give up.

But I’ve resorted now to hunting down those who might know something while Mayhem checks a few more places.

It doesn’t take long to spot one of Chuck’s sleazy associates leaving a bar on 39th. Jim, in fact, one of the guys with Chuck the day we made the deal that launched my life into a spiral. Can’t remember the other man’s name at the moment, my mind hazy with exhaustion, but I suppose that doesn’t matter now.

Grabbing Jim is easy. A gun in the side is a fairly solid motivator.

Once we’re in the alley, I spin him and shove him against the wall, my forearm on his throat.

“Chuck’s daughter. Where is she?”

“The b-blonde?” he sputters. “I have no idea, man!”

I shove harder, grinding my teeth.

“You’re absolutely certain you haven’t seen her?”

“She must owe you money, huh?”

“That’s none of your concern. Answer me.”

“I don’t know where she is. Chuck let us have our fun, sure, but that don’t mean I keep tabs on the girl.”

That dark possessiveness bursts to the forefront again. “Us?”

“Y-yeah.” He presses further against the brick wall. “Was part of our payment system for years now. Get some time with the slu—hrk!”

My hand closes around his throat before the word forms. “She. Is not. A slut.”

Rather than release him, I rear back and crack my fist across his jaw. The pain is both sharp and dull, dizziness sweeping me again, but I stand firm.

He shouts, stumbling to the side. “What…the fuck?!”

I shake out my hand. “If I find out you even go near another underage person, I will pull out your fingernails, one at a time, and put them on display, right beside your balls.”

His eyes bulge. “Under…he told us…I-I didn’t know. I swear.”

“Do better,” I growl, “to be sure.”

He nods several times, working his jaw as he backs away before turning on his heel and running.

My phone buzzes at that moment, and I jam my swelling hand in my pocket with far too much force, sucking in a hiss as I fumble it free.


I can’t answer fast enough.



Iscramble to cover my chest, cross one leg over the other. “Wh-What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you.” Damian stalks closer and sits on the edge of the tub, elbows on his knees, looming over me like a vulture. “Been looking for you since you killed your daddy, dollface. Things have been a little…tense.”