“Oh my God, Brody! Are you okay?” She pulled me into a hug before stepping back and looking at my bloodstained clothes.

I nodded. “I’m okay.”

“There’s so much blood!” She stared at my shirt, her voice catching. “Mason called from the police station and said you were here. He didn’t have long to talk, but he said Quinn was hurt. What the hell happened?” Dropping back down into my chair, my parents sat either side of me.

“Quinn was shot by her stepfather. The blood is hers.” I dragged my hand through my hair and dropped my head. Sighing, I told them everything. How Quinn had run from her violent stepfather, what I’d found out about Evan from Ethan, and what had happened today.

“Is she going to be okay?” my mom asked, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

“I don’t know. I tried to stop the bleeding… but it just wouldn’t stop. It’s all my fault. I’m supposed to keep her safe, instead it was her saving me.”

“The only person to blame is that asshole Evan,” my dad said, patting me on the shoulder. Despite knowing he was right, I still couldn’t help but blame myself.

“I should have waited for the police, maybe she wouldn’t be fighting for her life if I had.” Standing up, I sighed as I paced the small waiting room.

“You don’t know that, Son. You did what you thought was best. Don’t beat yourself up.”

Stopping suddenly, I turned to face them. “I think he’d been watching us. He knew I was her boyfriend. I found them on the old Johnsons’ land. It looked like he’d been staying there.”

“Maybe he was the one who cut the perimeter fence. I bet that was how he got access onto the ranch,” my dad said. I nodded, agreeing with him. My mom pulled something out of her bag and waved it in the air.

“I think this letter might have something to do with him finding her. I found it on the breakfast bar in the kitchen when I got home.” Handing it to me, I quickly scanned it.

“Seems they sent some correspondence to her previous address when the insurance policy wasn’t active.” Screwing the letter up, I tossed it into the trash. “Fuck! Why not just send him a map with her address on? They may as well have.”

Another hour passed by with no news from the medical staff. With each passing minute, I was convincing myself she wasn’t going to pull through. My chest ached at the thought of living without her. I might not have known her for long but even before all this shit happened, I knew she was it for me.

Mason and Libby arrived, and Libby threw her arms around me, tears falling down her cheeks.

“Is there any news?” she asked, wiping her eyes. I shook my head.

“No, nothing.” I walked over to Mason and pulled him into a hug. “What happened at the station?”

“The police are happy it was self-defense. They won’t be investigating any further.”

“Thank God!” I exclaimed, relieved that Mason wasn’t going to be in any trouble. He

looked shaken though, and I noticed he stayed close to Libby. I couldn’t blame him. I guessed it would take us all some time to process what had happened. Just then the door opened, and a doctor walked into the waiting room. My eyes were drawn to the blood on his scrubs and my stomach turned. “Quinn Montgomery’s family?” he asked, looking between us.

“I’m her boyfriend.” I walked to stand in front of him. “Is she okay?” Libby came to stand next to me, her hand slipping into mine.

“The gunshot wound to her shoulder was complex. She lost a lot of blood due to the bullet hitting a major artery. We took her into surgery to remove the bullet along with a section of damaged tissue.” He paused and removed the surgical cap he was wearing. “She’s very lucky to be alive.” I let out a large breath and felt my body sag when he said she was alive. “She’s not out of danger yet though. Her blood loss was substantial and she’s still very weak. Aside from the gunshot wound, she’s sustained a broken wrist and a fractured cheekbone. There is some cosmetic damage to her face which will heal with time.” He paused again. “Like I said, she’s very lucky to be alive.”

“Can I see her?” I asked.

He nodded. “Of course. Don’t expect to get much out of her though. With what she’s been through, and the anesthetic from the surgery, she’s slipping in and out of consciousness. When she is awake, she’s asking for Brody. I’m guessing that’s you, son?” He gestured to me. I nodded, and he opened the door to the trauma area. “Come on, I’ll take you to her.” Turning around I looked at Libby.

“Go,” she encouraged. “We’ll come through when you’ve had some time alone with her.” I nodded and followed the doctor along the corridor.

Stopping outside a room, he put his hand on the door handle. “Remember, she might be out of it for a while. That’s normal after what she’s been through.” He paused. “I’ve got a daughter Quinn’s age. I hope the bastard that did this to her won’t be getting to her again.” Holding my hand out, the doctor shook it.

“He won’t be getting anywhere near her,” I assured him. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.” He nodded his head and released my hand, walking off down the corridor. Turning to look back at the door, I took a deep breath before turning the handle and walking into her room.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw her lying in the bed. She was wearing a hospital gown, which was cut away from her right shoulder exposing the heavy bandaging. Her right arm was in plaster and a bright blue cast lay on top of the sheets covering her. Lifting my eyes to her face, I gasped. Her beautiful, flawless face was swollen and bruised. Her eyes were closed, but with the amount of swelling around her left eye, I wouldn’t be surprised if she couldn’t actually open her eye once she woke up.

Crossing the room, I pulled a chair next to her bed. Sitting down, I gently picked up her hand, enveloping it in mine. Her hand was warm unlike the last time I’d held it, and I lifted it to my lips, brushing a kiss over her skin. “Quinn, sweetheart, it’s me,” I whispered. Her eyelids fluttered slightly but didn’t open. “Rest, baby,” I told her, standing up to kiss her on the forehead. Sitting back down, I dropped my head onto her arm, overcome with emotion. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you, Quinn. I can’t believe you threw yourself in front of me. Why would you do that?” Our hands were still entwined, and I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand.

“Doing whatever it takes works both ways, Brody,” she said, her voice raspy. “I couldn’t let him hurt you.” Lifting my head, I saw her eyes were still closed. Standing up I leaned over and kissed her lips.